Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 23, 8 Iune 1867 — English Column. EUROPEAN INTELLIGENCE. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
Fr» 'V >;«r » • >. Th(» nc«r» r.f .\prif 2S:h «\ir. like ct»rsrarjf'f. _ Apm *JS.—A o: ?h<* K:ropv>n V<*-x< r*. tr»«? <i<rßcuitif ,< i<'tw*ecn Frni-**» -»ivi Prsj««s3. wiii meet at Loiiion nn M.iy : aod it ha* been a£jr«<rJ ih.u tn th<- ?i;«» Fortress of L'i:*?fr»h'>;ir,» vh#»jJ \*r <iMinaniU'ii. Th«» Pan* f*rrxs* siy< a njmor t<? corn»nt lhat H'-Mi ir.-< }~•»? te:cl":ed i»i« resĪ£nation in y (.< 3 d;f{Vr<-rice of opinion be?he K»n«r īt.d thr i;if»er !j«eine scrept tbe eracuit»on o{"LuxemI? wa««»kJ ;i»at \ oriJ?rgo!iz wou!d hini. Th»» rfvo!iJt:nritsts at Kornf ure nrtive. A placjirfi is po»Kd nr the N»tional Cominittee roorr»s ins!rurtinL!; ll)f* peopie how to «iemean thems.e!re<» whiio waiur for the motnent to ?trikf!. Gmnbfi!fii i" thnught to commind tne mo%'ernrnt in proi?re.vi. it ts sjitl th.»t tiie Kus.«i,in (.*ovcrMmcnt wili r'cive i"rom the Unu».-*! Stai»s a tleet of ironcla«|f»jr, inst»»H(i of :ht' i!atf «i «um ol r»inncy, in pnymer,t f«»r America. Ghiiitone ha. 1 } wrinen n l«-tter in whieh he virtunliv rc?ign.i ihe leader«hip ol' tne LiiK'ml | ii r* v.
Coiint \ c»n Degnit woukis<jv. , "C' , d Bt*marcl%\ A mo».?t>:r r*'fonii demnnstration took piaee nt Bir:nir»gha(u on the -2»i. im whieh !rom 000 t.> 100.000 por.fons pirtvipat?d. Bright, m his sf»eech, denounced t;iL» Govern* m«.Mt ii»/lorin Kiil »s a fraud, tending to rvstr.un r.»thvr thrm extemi ihe franchise. The follo\virig are sa d to b»j the terms •i L r reed upon as tho hns!s of the deliberntions o( the i'eaee Confereuoe in London, whieh .Mav UJth : I' ?r-t — Fr:)nce is not to enlaige her premmii lx)imd:irie.s. .Secutii—The fortitication- ot Luxembourij to Ih* ev:icuated and dibmnutitd. Third—'Th<? future polineal of the I)nmd Duchy to be nscertained ;ind determined by the Conference, n»id to be guarantted by nl! (he Governments participating t!ierein. The Cniiferencc wil! I»e composed of reprc»ent.ttives ofGreat Bntajn, France, PrusMii, und Austrin, Ku?vsin, »nd the King of llollaml ns Drand Duke of Luxembour«if. The Liberal.s hnve defeated the Government on the Keforin Biil by a majorrtv ol eighty-oiK' vofes. The Derby Ministry •lul not resign, hut have accepted theamendments. The Government first prohibited the Keiorm Mm>s Meeting in Hyde Park, but afterward yielded and contented itself with extra penee precautions. In consequenco of the cession of Kussian America to the U. S , the shares of KussoAmenean Con>pany rose from 80 to 150 roub!esabovc par. Mr. Wr)ghi U. S. Minister at Berlin, is said to be at tlie point ol'death. The grand ilyde P.irk meeting was held t|ni**tly. The Prus->ian Fnss stated that France is continuing h»-f inilitory preparations. The silu merchants of Shanghae have reqnesse<l the Foreip[n Cōnsuls to notify tlieir t ountrymen that purchases in future must I'C for cas!i. % h.MANeii'.moN i\ Bi{ \/ii.. — .\ew \'or!c, Wny 4th. The Hcrabl's dispatch bv cab!e, »hited Kin Janeiro, April 18th, states"that ihe litnpevor of Brazil hns issued n decree declaring all slnvcs lreo. The umndate to tnke elU'el wilhin twenty years; all children of: slnvcs born hereafter to be lree from birth. i r'r« ia U.r .-";icf!itn>'iitn l'u,Vt:, .\i.iy 11. > On the i.M of May excitement pre»; vaiiod in Chicap>, cau>ed by a riotous lempl of the eioht*hour mon to prevent the : ten-liour iikmi iroui \vorkiug iti the maehine>hops and mills of that citv. The rioters had their own \vay in thc morning, and drove cH'the worlcnien. To\vards mght, however, j ihe poliee wcr«» concentrnted nt vnrious poiuts ] in the city, and wei'e l»elieved to be sirong; enoui*h to pveserve the peaeo. The latest ndvice« from tMexico confirtn! ihe rcport of t!te capture of Qucretaio, and; slate ihut Generai Diaz had gi»incd posses- • • v ion of a port:on of the city of Mexico. The ' lmperialists were starved oui at Qucretaro. Maximihan h:ul conceaied hitnself and man« ; nijed to ehule liis pursuers. Wra Crtiz is llte only point of importance remaini»g m the hnnds of the lmperia!isfs, ami the Liberals will soon U' free to concentrate a poweriul army for the rcduction of thAt city. Tiie excilemcut in Chiea.jro hus abnted. . The totul va(ue of the propertv destroved by incendiarism durtiuj ihe disturbance is SSOO,000. Tl»e worktnen hate he!d a ineetiug nnd adopted resolutions deprecating mob violencc. In Bt. Louis, as in Chicngo, the? employers dechus to inake any concession to ; thc men who want ten hours poy for eight; hours work. Thc great refonti demonstration in Hyde ! Park, London r passed oft'in an orderly inan- ; uer. The Ooreminent wisely refrnined from iuterfervnce, and the Keformersbehaved with the discretion of men wofthy to be citi2ens. The European Cong«ess to consider to ■ Luxemburg question roet at London yester-. il:iy. Lorxi Stin!ey, British Minister of Foreigu Atßir». presides. Fnith in thei «bilitv of this Con(t»Hence to preserre the ! p<Mice of Europe seems to be f«iding. The Great Po\vers arr reluctant to guarantee the neutruliV;ition of Luxemburg, White the p#o- ■ ple of iiie «fuchy are nskin? for annexa;ion i Beiugium. MeanwhileFrnnce ind Prus» «ia eoninue \varlike prep«rations, and disirust is sho\vn in tinanc»al circles. The Judiciary Committet of the House ef KepresentatiTes a.*e iurestigatiug the abuse of tho pardoning power, and seem to be subjecting the couduct of the President to a rigid scrutiny. The lSubliine Pwie is going 10 have an Kmbsssador ot WasUington, who wiil have one wife, live in princely style, and try to convince Broiher Jonatban that the " sick mau" of the East ims a gtnxi dēnl of vitaiity. The iatest dis|Mttches fr£>rn London sny Prussm is assuming a mtn.icing a!titude on tbe Luxetnburg question. A dispatch from Beriin aunbutcs to Bismarck the remark that the situation is more serious than erer. All kinds of seourit»es h»ve declined. Five« | twentie«» in London are quoted as iaw »t 71. »wa ih« IU«a&u« J«ae X Under the prest»uro of the danger hanging' «vtr F.uro|«, tlic deliber«tions of thc Peaee | Congres« \vcre ahort, and though i>)
! ?a}d to haTe be?Q some vrnat obstinst?. a • treaty »35 cooc]udfd on the 10?h. by whieh ; the questi.>a *as sett!-?d upo n th«» fol!i.n~ b: I*t. The sovervign»v oi the Grancl Diifhy of LoxembcHirsr to r»mi3n vnh the ■ Kicg el H<v,Land. 2d. The i->nr\- -of Luxf urrl<iurg to be and 4.. Prussiaa ;ro* ps «nthdrawn from tcrn:or\*. acre s i*cr:e »0 pre*erre o, r d»r 3d, Tn~ n *n>;;z?j;;on of ihe Grtr.d Ducbv to b? euiran:e£d bv aii tne parue> 10 the '•onference. , Cab!e d-spau~hfs to the 1 l:h. say »ha». nr,t. ■ withstanding the tEs>factory «ol'-;:io«i » f :r.e Luxumbourg qacs:ion bv !reaty. 'Vnr* are entcrtained, ar;d genemhv eiprcsi»ed sha; a : war has been mere!y pr.<»rpon*{i bv the work :of the dīpiomatH. WaHike preperatii>ns are , Miii acrvely carr»ed 011 Ly France, Germany. Kus*ia end Greece. Helea*c of JetT T)ari«. JefT Davis was brooght to K ; chrrtond on ! Monday May 12th, in parsumcc of a wri: of \ hnbeas corpus tssued by Judge Undt-rwood. of the U. S. Distnct Court of Virū'inii. ar?d whrh the President directed G«?neral Burton. comn»ander at Fortress Monroe, to , obey. The court room was der»se!v pncked. A mintary guar»! was p!aced around it. and a strong (x)hce force inside. Ab«>uf twentv ' fadies were among the spec!ators, as \vere ; aho fifry negroe*. At 11 a. m. Davis was brought in and took his seat next the prison- ' er's Ik»x. with General Burton and the U. S. ; Marshal. General Burton's retuni to the! writ of nabeas corpus w»s read. Judtre Underwood cornp!imented Gen. Burton upon obeying the liws,'and rel:evrd him of the I custo<ly of Dar,'s. when the Marshall immediately s«»rred on him a bench warrant to answer to the Norfo!k indictment. His eounsel. o'Conor, sjx)ke of his !ontr imprisoment and feeble beaith. and asked that he be Iniled. No opposition \vas made on the part of the prosecution, and his buil was fixed at §100,000. The Judge nnnounced hisreadi-; ness to accept bail, stating at ihe same tiine \ that the responsibi!ity and delay in brin«ing! ihe case into court rested upon the Goverttment and not upon the District Afforney. He nlso said that half t!ie ainount nf bail must be givcn by persons residing in Virginia. Sureties then eame forward. Horace Greely being amon? the first, followcd by Mr. Scheil. of New York. Mr. Jackman, cif Phi!adelphia, nnd a nutnber ofgentlemen residing in Virginia, ofH.»red t!ieir names as surrties. Davis \vaf? congrntulated b\* severol, but no demonstratiou or noise of any kind \vfls made. After giving bail tonppear at the November tenn of the Court, Davis was taken in a eoneh to (he Spotts\vond House, ,