Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 20, 18 Mei 1867 — LATE FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


l"v llu' >hij> <»' •'< ahi 'i :\irn« il oH th»- jv»rt 'rtmr><l;>v ni.:!it. d.tv « lroui S.u) l* ran«"isro, w» 1 lmv-' ;i d.»v'- l;»tor mlroin C* * 1 >t"orn• :i, t!i<" m-1 Kti- . \Vt' o\tr.n"t oi' intoi> t. ' Tl»o tiii* >t hot»d m S.in I ,, nn<Msc.>. tli»> \va< |virtinllv txjrn«il »m t!w L'illuh. Ci«M». M-(\»ok. wlm \vas nu' ;>t «Im* hotol, li».-t a portu»n ol his i Tho aonor.il ol th»' Soutliorn Kamino J Kflu f l'omini-sion statt-s tli»» oasli reveiptsj up to the present lune, to !*• oii«> hundreti ' aml .sixtv-l»ve thon«.iml th»llars ; ol this sum ; Calilorn»a srnt i, r ohi eqti : va|t>nt to a-10.000. in ourrenry- The «lisir» s\s is aml in-' «ivaxma. j Atlvioes from I'anama prosont'a pieturc ot" anar«-hy «ntl militnry tl«'spotism iu Co!omtti.i. J MoiM|iiera h;itl iinitliy hrok'on up tho Con-1 hy 11111 itaiy |>n\vor. aml iinprisonetl ex- ! Presiih»i»t Mar.ivillo.his rival at the no\t | el« % »tion. » l'iftoen o«'onn steaimhips sniletl from Notv ; Vurl; in ono (|.»y.\vitli passon;xers an«i mails; ! seven for Euro[H' an«l the rest for ('u!»;i nmi j Southerii p«»rts. j Atlmii'iii Farraj:ut relicves i in « ounnaml ol tl»e Me.literraneah Mjuatiron. ; Ti>e Eno;iish papors i: ,> "t>r:illv ae«]uieseej \vith tolerahle onn-e in tho t'rssinn ol liu-| ssiau Amerie;\ to our Government. i Spain has yicltietl to the (iemanii made by | the Jiritisli Cioveriiment in the easc of the | 6teamer Vietoria. j Omar Pasha, \v:tli ships of \var aml a lnrp: I numher of troops, hns left Turkev to join in suppiessina thc insurreetion in Crete. ! A(itiiiml lVrsalo, who coinmandetl the ! llaliau lleet in the !»attle of Lessa, lias heen | sentenced to be eushi reti i'or ineap«eity nnti ; disohetiicnee. In the givat boat raee 011 thc Th:imes, l»e--twcen thc ()xford atul University Cluhs Uxford won bv half a length. ; it is reported that a proposition is umh r eonsideration to make the (irand Duehy of, a neutral tcrritory, iu orih-r t<» j avoul wir ī>etwoen Francc and Uennnuy. I Thc Ca>tan Nationa! A»semhly has issucl ; a proelanuition dccl:iring in fivorof reliLriou> : tol« r;»tion ;uid etp»ai politieai rights. i