Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 15, 13 ʻApelila 1867 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

English Column.


JFr-TT» tfc- Va;;.t V'»? mnf M*r-* 7 i« ■ Senator Wilson"s bill, proTĪdin? for th? jjovcnimcn{ ol ckctions in thr? Sou;h. ha* ifccu approml by the Ju ; irhry l*omi:iit:cc< o( hoth branche* of C<>r!L r r*s < '< nni w.il imm«liate!y. Ry «\iy oī Maznt!ri:j w n j ccive rfports that M'txirnilinn \vas carrir«i awav hv the Fn?nch. l<;avinL r tht- " Capital nf tho Ernpire" to th<? Libr?ra! armv undor Genenl Diiz. J«arez is on his way to that city. It is b<?licrc<l Jlmt Mcxico is now entiHy un<kr the rontroi of the Mexicans. In ihe HoiSse. Stcvens of Pennsvlvania ?iibmitted a rpsoiution appropriatincr &5.000,(KK) to meet the of carryin? out the provisions (tl ihe Keconstruction Act. Pasfjod. A corre.*pondeni writeis that the Turks have virtvia liy ab;:ndoned the larger portion of Crcte, and are unah'e to rene\v fhe \var. The and the Ark.nr.sTs, as well os the Ohio and the nro on the ramp.iL;e, flouding towns and®inf. deMroying propertv, and c;i !<W of life. At Heieun, Arknn.s'is, twenty-seven lives were lo»t. ChnttanfK)ca is overflowed, and ; the peop'e in that vjcinity are reported to be ?uflerinfr fr<»ni the f;iinine. h i.s a terrible vi«itation for a *ection of ihe countn* where mnny calnrnitie« hnd previouslv been en* dured. Collections for the relief of the destitute will be t;ikcn up in thc Nonh churchcs • ne.it Sunday. A London dispatch says fhe Fenian< troubles in Ireland are not yct cnded. The ' insurgents are posted in the mounttiins of 1 Wieklow. where they are supposed to be: sufll-ring fro«n co!d and hungcr. Four giinbo;»ts have becn sent to Dub!in, to be posted in ihe rivcr Liiry. The chiefs of the Feni- i ans have dirccted their atlhen»nts to refuse i tO pny rents. The liial of John H. Surratt ha.s not yet coinmenced, aiul it may be postponcd till ihe Juue tcrin of the District Court. ! It is now said lhat the Presideut will ap- j point otily Democrats to offic.?, lcaving the rcspon.sibility with the Scuatc of rejecfing thc appointinerits, whieh res|)onsibility that bodv wil! probnbly be rcady to assatnc. It is again assertcd by Washuigton correspondents that the indications in that locality point strongly toward impcachment. Wc notice that witnesses aro still being exainined by the Judiciary Conunittee in that connection. j We arc informed that a sfcamer has arrived at St. Nnzaire, France, with a detachinent of Frcnch troops and twelve millions in sj»ccie frotn Mexico. I)isracli had onnounc.ed in Parliament that he would bring in n new Reform bill, nnd Gladstone said that if such bill contained satisfacfory eletnen(s the oj>position would rcccive it with a desire to co-operate with thc Goveminent. It is reported that Maximi!ian, on leaving the Mexican Capital, \vas reduced by the forccd loans of gucrillas to a shirt, one pair of socks and a pieee of soap. It is said the latest dispatchcs from Grcat Kritain spcalc discouragingly of the Fenian insurrection iu Ireland, The movement in Canada cxcifes more attention on the part of ihe British Governinent, and it is believed a disturbance is at hand. There is inueh «lunn among the authorities. The Post Olliee Dejiartment adverti?es for bids for u monthly line of mail stcamers liom San Francisco to Honolulu, Thc Supreme Gourt of Tennessec has susfaiucd the Franchise Law of the last ses:uou of fhe Lcgis!aturc, confrary to fhe exj>cctations of thc conservatives.