Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 14, 6 April 1867 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
The Tibune's special says the Judiciary Committee's inrestigation into the matter of the return to rebels of confiscated property, shows that in Louisiana alone property r«lued at fifty inillions was rrturned to rebels by order of the President. All our (ienerals have fre<juently decided that tbis property belonged to the Gorernment as mueh as any property could. March 2.—The President's reto of the Keconstruction Bill was receivcd and read in the House. The rules were suspendcd and the Bill passed orer the ?eto by a vote of 135 to 47. JN 7HE StNATF. The reto was considcred from 7to 11 p. M, M>en a vote was taken, and the bill passed by a vote of 37 to 10, and was declored a iaw by the President of the Senate. The Tenure of Office Bill was aiso passed by l>oth Houses, over the veto. The Bankrupt Bill isapprored. Alaoihe bili validating the proc!amations of the Preside»t during the war, thus exempting miiitary officers and soldiers from the operation of the Court.«. Adjoarnment ofThlrty-Nhith <'on«ren«. Wasi(l\gton, March 4.—At half past len o'eloek Mr. Foster delivered his valedictory remarks, vacated the chair. and Secretary Forney assumed ihe duticsofpresiding officer. Fortieth f'ongress. March 4th. — The Senate convened at 11} a. M. in the House Colfnx was elected Speakerand McPherson, Clerk. House adjourned at 2 p. .v. A majority of the Impeachment Committee reported that they had examined a lārge number of witnes«es and collected a large number documents but had been unable to conclude their labors. They state that sufficient testimony has been tnken to justify and demand a further prosecution of the investigation. The minority report that they do not find any evidence to sustain the Impeachment charges. New York, Feb. 2S.—De Bow, editor of the Review, died yesterday at Elizabeth, N. J., after a brief Jllncss. February 28.—The Senate passed a bili to estabiish a Department of Education. Tho Committee on Foreign Kelations reported a joint resolution permitting the officers of the Miantonomah and Augusta, who have lately visited Kussia, to receive presents from the Emperor. The Judiciary Committee have inade a report denouncing polygamy as contrary to the spirit of the Christian religion and a relic of heathenism and barbarism, and subversive of the marriage relation in all nat»ons where it is toleratcd, and stigmatizing it as simply legalized prostitution. They say no greater outrage on the freedom of religious faith could be perpetrated than to require the peopleof any nation to sanction with «pproval of law, a practice so deeply offensive. A Joint resolution has passed to erect an equestrinn statue of General Scott. March I.—The Colorado bill failed to receive a two-thirds vote, and henee failed to heeomo a law. * Dr. Livingstone, the great African explorer, was kilied by the Kaffirs. Prof. Bache, of the Coast Survey, died at Newport, K. 1., in Feb. l<uro|ieaii. Nkw Voric, Fcbruary IS.—The Fenians profess to believe that fighting is going on in ireland, and are working with energy to send aid there. In the meantime, the Fenion Circles under Roberts are preparing for a campaign against Canada, whieh promises to be of a formidable character. The Keform demonstration in L«ndon, on the llth, was n very enthusiastic one. Twenty thousand people marched in the procession. An immense meeting was held, and resolutions in favor of manhood sufirage and denouncing the Derby Government were passed. | London\ Feb, 15.—A terrible eartbquake has occurred in the island of Oephalonia. Every town on the island is in ruins. The loss of life and property is very great. The King of Greece has gone there. Bkrlin, Feb. 16.—At the elections in Pussia the Liberals are triumphnnt. Tcn | districts have retumeti Count Bismarck n? | their representative. j Paris, Feb. 17. —The budget presented| in the Chambers yesterduy by the Minister j of Finance, gives a fa?orable report of the j condition of finances. Kents in consequence j revived from their recent depression and ad- j vanced. j Berun, Fel>. 20-22.—Bismarck is ngain 1 seriousiy ill, but there is hope of his recovery, Vienjja, Feb. 21. — The Einperor has restorrd to Hungary the Constitution of IS4B. | Jts infiuence tends strongly to tranquilixe the people. j The Kefonn resolutions introduced by the ] G6vemment have been withdrawn, and a j regular Keform Biil is to be laid before i'aHiameni. j St. Pbtbrsburg, March 2.—The morning papers announee that the Caar has strongiy urged the sublime Porte to cede the lsland 1 of Candia to Greece. | Flobenck, March 4. —Garibaldi has sent his sons to Crete, and promises now to go himself and take up arms. The laiest Ea»ropean dispatches indicate that the Eastern question is becoroing seri-1 ous ; that n gencral rising of Christians 'is| threatcncd. ;