Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 12, 23 March 1867 — English Column. Welcoming The Morning Star. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
Welcoming The Morning Star.
i On ihe aKeroopn of Taesd.iy, iHe Sabbatb; Schools of Honolu'u and vicmity man:hed ! in prooes>»ions with banners from iheir re-1 yf?ective Churches to the wharf wbere tbe! Mcrning Star lay. There were nearly six J hundred in the two processions from Kau -) makapili and Kawaiahao. An irarnense! crowd Bssembled on aml about the ref«ei, I numbering in all prokibly about four thou- j sand. | After a prayer by th« Kev. Dr. Sn> ith, an original ode to the Morning Star tras song by the Choir ©f Kawaiahao Cburcb, led b? th« Hon. Mrs. Dominis. We publish ie in anotber eolumm. The Rev. H. H. Parker then welcooied the " HoWuao " in a few word3 of e!oquence admiral>Sy felicitous and expres- | sive of the pent up feelings of the assembīed | multitude, anel closed by cailing for three ' cheers, whieh were most heartily given. | Capt. H. Bingham, responded, to the surprise !of many, in good Hawaiian, and closed by |communicating a message of " Aloha " froin | his venerable Father. The Kaumakapili ; Church Choir then sang an original eoinpo- , sition ; and after a few worda of explanatioo, | the exercises closed by singing two verses of | From Greenland's icy Mou ntaius.'' i The vessel was then tbrown open for the inspection of the youthful owners, and all wbo ; took an interest in her. More than an hour was spent in passiog the crowd through the : vessel. All seemed delighted, and not an aecident occuTred to mar the happiness of the ! hour. i i The Rev. Mr. Bingham has been re-np-f pointed to the command of the Morning Star j by the Hawaiian Hoard, and will sail for the j Marquesas Is. via Hilo, during the last days |of next week. The Hev. Messrs. Coan, |andß. VV. Parker go as delegates of the i Hawaiian Board to the Marquesas Mission, i