Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 10, 9 March 1867 — English Column. From the Sacramento Union, Feb. 2 FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
From the Sacramento Union, Feb. 2 FOREIGN NEWS.
The tel«?graph gjres ns new*s 'in- ; der datc of January 3ht and F<?b. l«t. ; Th« Senate ihe ne\* Tariff biii at the etretiing %ession Janaary 31st. ay & ?ote ; of 2*J to 10—a uiueh »tronger majori;y thau ; was anti<*ipated by the speculative corres-' pc»»dents of the free tr«ide journa!3. Vester- ! day the Sennte tyok up the Bankrapt bi 11. b«t adjoorned « itho«t action. « The Alakama ha« enacted a ;
la\r authorizing the establishrijent of a svstem | of frce schools for \vhites and bisicks, ihe f r«c*« to !*■ Uught in sepnratecchools. i A di.«patch from Junctiōn City, C*iorado, j gives an aeeouiu o( auother horrible inas-1 sacre by Indiatis on the Flains. The • Cheyennes were the perpetmtors of this; bloody deed. Of sixty-three men who were ; encamped, wiih a trairi f near the head ofj Smoky Hill river. fiftv-nine were kiilcd. { Additional fai!tircs nre repnrted in \\ r all I stTeet. A nomber of the in?urance eoinparties are said to be in a tremulocrs condition, owing lo the heavy lo*ses by fire and rnarine disas>ters during the past year. The apeeial correspondents of the NewYork Timcs and Tribuiie are now satisfied | that the Judioiary Committee of the House of Repre*entatives have obtained sufficient evidence to justify the presentnti<ui of artic!es of impeachineiit. The Committeo have obtained permis.sion to sit during the sesions of the House. Uenenil Gnnt has eatled a eouneil of( gcnernl otTicers, to meet in Washington and coosider matters of »mportance to the army nnd especially the «rrangernents for main-j taining garrisons in the South. A bill his been introduced in t'ne Senale i providing a subsidy for a line of steamer3 to run between Sun Francisco and Honolulu. The Tennessee House of Kepresentatives had a test ?ote on the bill to cstablish equal sutlrage in that Stnte, resultingayea 36, noe9 !29. The loyalists in that quarter arejubilant over thoir succe.ss f , The digpntches by tliQ Atlantic Cab!e state that Garibaldi discourages Ihe projectofa revolutionary risingat Kome; that volunteers from Greece continue to go lo Crete. The substance of the letters fVom Grant and Sherman. protesting ogainst the practice of selling anns and nmmunition to the iiuliana, is telegraphed. The New York World announces that the President, the Cabmet nnd lending rebels i have ngreed upon a new plan of reconstruction, and nssumes that it will be greedily swallowcd by Congressional gudgeons. The ■ President is going to recommend qualified j negro sufiroge to his Legislatures in the | South. The Preaident's new plan of reconstruction j seems to be distasteful to all parties. The | Southern journals, ns far as heard from, eon- J demn it. The Governors, who were expected | to sustain it, do not venture beyond a brief, j non-committnl letter. The Southern jßepubliean Association denounces the plan. The deficiency in ihe wheat crop ofGrent Britain is estimated at sixty-four million bushcls. It is reported in Europe thnt tho King of Grcece is to marry a Russian whieh, if true, is significant in the present osprct of j the Enstem question. The feature of the news by the Atlantic cuble is the speech of Queon Victoria at the opening of tho British Parliamenton thesth. The spcech was unusually long, mnking two j thousand words. It cautiously recommcnds j an extension of the «lective franchise and j brenthes an ainieahle spirit to\vard the United j States. A disputch says that during the; delivery of the speech ihe people cried " Re-! form ! Reform ! M lt was arranged that on the day fixed for the meetmg of Purliament there should be n popular demonstration in the vicmity of the Parliainent Ho«se. Exciting times, these, for " my lords and gen-j t!emen." Alaximilian was still in thecity of Mexico on February oth. He hnd sent Mimmon, wiih seven thousand men, to altnck the Libernb at San Luis Potosi. lf victorious he inteuded to order an election and abide by the result. lfr«a W«*Wljr Alu oT Frb. lō j Wasaington, February lltb.—Sanford Conover, the detective, who fabricated the testimony showing the complicity of JefT. £>4vis wUh the assassination of President Lineoln, was foand guiUy of perjur>'. Chicaoo. February llth. —Th« newly appointed Postmaster »t Farmington, Minn.. is a co)ored man qualified, but evidently appointed by mistake. Heavy mns and unprecedented frr»shets nre reported in New England. where tbe depth of snow is from five to ten feet. Tte damage arpund Providence is already estinmted at 5200,000, and in the vicinity of Norwich, $1 0,000. The iee on the lielaware River has broken up. New York, February llth.—The North Oaiolina Legislatuw, ou account of the great dt«titution throughout that State, has passed a bill postponing the payment of private debts twclve montbs. THe peop!e of Pitt County hnd nearly compelled the Sheriff to burn the writs and executions against thcm. Ntw York, February 1 lth.—-Solomon Johnson, colored, formerly Pre*ident Lin-
eoln3barber. has been ~ppointed a first-class clerk ia the office of the Secretary cf the Treasnry. Febroary lhh.—The Reform proces?ion marched tbrough the city all the |afterooon. ft was There was : »iot tbe siighte*t di«turbance. A deputation ; headed by John Bright iraited opon Gfad--sstone. ft vras favorably r?cesred. It is reported that DisraeSi wiil off*er a p!an of reform to be adopted in Parhament by resolution. • February llth.—The ;Sultan ha« resolved to emancipate his Chtistian subjects from their political dis(abilities, and he has called a Turkish Par!ia- ; ment.