Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 7, 16 February 1867 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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English Column.


! rom 'h'/ l'ī.'ww. F« («.2.

Th" panio in Wail mrpct .*nntiri?K-«. Th? (leoiiiio in r.iiiroad ?*f;cks is h n avy. A'i'litionai i<ii!uresare reportod. irtciudin£ Jea<iui£f i>rok*. i is an! Joht« .Morr.>«r'y. M. C. The deoth of V--U*erton, of the Bank of Morth Am**r!<\i, frn/!i cx. irpnifnt hy the heary iosa suffcred Ly ihe bank tbrough his excess nf eonfideri'*e in Mcyer Co., gives a trigic coioring to thi?* crash. Adv»cr«» ir<>ni Veri Cr 17. nrinotm.:e the nrrivnl of the Fren<*h nrmy nf thnt cijy frnm the interior of Mexico and ti»e .«ailine of another dot3chrncnt for France. Il* Maxiinilinn mueh longer he wiil find n Mcxicnn armv l*etween him nnd h;s l>elored C.ir!otta. Wiij.on of lowa, Ohnimian of the Judiciary Committee of the House. has denied the newspaper rejK>rfs abowt the neglect of the impencbm«nt investigntion by thii CommMtee, but he declines to reveal what they h:ivc heen doing. Thisdenial \vas elicitcd' l»y u molion mnde hy Uenenl Loan of Mi«souri to appoinl n spe*:ial Committee to <:on9ider the ({ue<tion of iinpeachrnent. Prince Aifred, of England, is to l>e the <ir?«t <jovcrnor and Viceroy nf the British Confcderation in America. He is said to 1« a smart l>uy, hut he is oniy a boy, and is übout ns fit lo govcrn the British Provinces «s he i« to eommaml the nrmy of Ihe CJnites Bu»tes. lierlin dif;patches soy the Cretan war has bccn renewed, ihe terrns offercd by the Porte having been scornfullv rejected. The instirrectionary m»vement extfeiids to other islands in the Archipelago. The Government of (.ircci;e hns decided to incrense the army to thirtj"-one thous>»nd men, in consequence of the tl»reatcning attitude of Turkey. An English company, with 11 capital of a • C1.000,000 sterling, has been organizcd to constmct n rnilrond in Nicaragua. The cnginoers are a!rendy at work. .Several of thc Southern P«cific Kailroad projects have been united,nnd a bigcorpnration or£fani/cd with FremOnt ns President. Juarez has written a letter from l)urango, thanking the American pe'ople for their sympnthy nnd encouragement. He expects to be in the City of Mexico in'March. Maxiiniiian is s|illnt the Copital, while the French nre lcaving thc country, and the persons who have supported thc Impcrial enterprise aro sufferin£ from anxfbty. Cominuniealion between Vera Cruz and the intcrior is rcniiered uneeiiain ,by thc advance of the Liber.ils from all dircctions towards thc City of Mexico. ln the iNational Sei]dte ye«tcrday a rcsolulion, ofTered by Conness, nsking the Seor('fny ot the Treasury whcther, in his opinion, n reciprocity treaty between the Unitrd J>tates and thc Hawaiinn Island would bcnefit Atnerican interests, was Julopte(tT