Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 5, 2 Pepeluali 1867 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

English Column.

1 ;'i r < 1 / in ."3 T1 ircc Days I>atcrNcws.

Imjm iii rm n». of l!it: !'iesideni. Thv Biitioh b:»ik Atrccida, BiiS,ei). 16 ; '!}iyi fru«n S wi Fr.»i'ri ;irnved oir the piTt S itnr<!ny i,'on.';.»uic in.:idr. aijJ jiled :»£iinf'-r r>n Sun.Jny riiurtni)g. No mnil was r»?«mvcil i v but p.ipt ! fi fr9<ti Mc:--t3. Ai(!rich. I\I«;rri!! A: Cu.. v. ith «J:»tcs to J;iuuaiy 9th.-(hr'?e days ! it ri r ihiin our pr»;vioi;s ntlvic«-s. 'L'lie b.irk Comet wns ii» lenve S.in Kr »n- -• :s«:o nb«iul Jam»«ry 20th, ond v.'ill be duc hcr«: !!> »ti»rd »y or Sund!*y m-iel \v>th. the li» t' rn ii».ili of Dco, fJoih. Th«: iuoiil inipcrlant itcm ».»! ii(.nvs !»y this (irrivaJ is th«-' prupf»rd iinpeaehmonl of Pr«j-:-id«:nt Ji>htii>vii !>y Congri ?o, :iff wj|| be ?ccn bv ih'i Pulliiwine te!r<rr.im?. : i i o !n (h#* Hou.ve, Mr. Lonu of Misb«)uri ofTrrei! u reso!u(ion. in subst;mcc thct, in orn\»r K» the rruits of tho victorics 'v!incd during the \v«r. it is thc imperutive duty of the Thirty*ninih Congress, without dciny, to accouip!ish the follo\viiij,T objoc(i>. l'wU—Thu impeachinetit t.f the ofriccr now thc fuuctions of Presidtntof fl»c Unitc«! Btatca and his rcinoval froin «»i!icc. lur high cntiies nn« 1 ntisdcmcnnors whieli hu is noloriously guilty i-f, aiul whieh ret)d':r liiin unsafe to cxercise the he has unla\vfu!|y asoumed. Sccwul~To prov!(i»' for thc admini:,(ration c?f th«? Kxecutive OepaNmeni'.'' 7hird—To providc inenns for the immeili«lo ncoiib(ruction ot the v?tatcs iatcly in ī'eheiiiun, pxccpt Tennc.Si>ce. , /vwrM~-To sccurc by Fedcr.il authority , tiu? right ol irauchise of ncgroes in the i Southcru St>\tes. j Mr. Lo;in's ri sointiuu created great cxcite , mn»t. I Mr. D.tviS movrd to l;»y it on tl»e tab!e, ; whieh moiion wns uepativcd !»y a vutc of ( 10 to 103. Imu»ediatcly Mr. Ashly of Oliio arosc nnd :i:?lu'd. ns n questiou cf privilege, that thc | (.'!crlc bo ;tl!(»w«'d t,> iei?d the follo\ving. I do iinpeneh Andrc\v Johnson, Vire Prc- e :>i*icnt and i!«*ting of t!ic Unitcd ( St;\tvs, » f l»igh critnes nnd n»isdcmen»iors ; | 1 chnrgo hii:i \vith usurp.»tion of po\ver nnd j a violation of law, in tha( he hiis corr»ip(ly ( abn.v».Ml ihe nppointing powcr; iu that he has , corrupily dispo;?ed i,f public property of thc Uni(cd S(a(ts; in thnt he hns corruptly | i'»(rrfcirii in (lie elcctions, nnd committcd ! ;»cts and conypircd witlt otlicrs to eoininil | ;icts whiei», iu the conteniplation ol thc | i oiicti(nt:oii. iirc high crimcsand misdcuieau- j «•r? ; thcivlurc he it. ( lsCS'i!cat> That the Jtnl:ciary Couuuit(oc | b-; n»d hcri !>y are nuthori/.'-d (o inquire in- t to the eliiei I cot:dnct cf Audro\v Johnsoi), £ Virr Presid» nt, uow discluirging the po\vti*j> j aud dutie? of Prcs»dent of the United States, , and rcport t) this House whether in their , v»pinion thc said Andretv John?on, while in ( saiil olliee, has been guilty of ncts ofco»rupt , i»duiinis(rations of the Uovernment of thc lJni(cd or any dc|>nrtment or oftic e | thereof, niul \vhether said Johuson has l>een j guihv of nny act, or consp.rcd with othcrs , to do acts whieh, in conteniplation of the j Coi»stitution, are high crimes, requiring thc interpositiou of thc Constitutional po\vers of | tho House of Representatives; that snid ( Comraitteo hare power to sentl for persons , and p:ijH'rs, and to ndminister the customary r oaths. j Mr. Spaulding movcd to lay the resolution , on the tabk% whieh \vas negatived by a vote ] of 3G ayps to 109 noes. The resolution w«s adoptcd. , On the Sth the iollo\vingaction is reportcd j as h;ivmg Uiken plaee. j The House Jud:ciary Com?riittee this , morning had undcr cons!dcration Ashley's j iiuppaehmem i*esolution, nnd dceided to 1 procml \vith the investigation, ond sum- \ moned Ashely (ofOhio) to eome before ( them to-niorro\v inoming. Veto of thc Snttrnge Bitl. ' e Washk\TiTon, January 7.—The President I has returneJ ihe District Suflnige Hill to l the Scnatc, with a veto nie?sago t«sed 0111 the ground that th3 nmjority of the people { of the Di.<trict arc opposed to it. and a \Vant * ofo:pacity in the per?ons upon whom the i e!cctive privik»g« is propoi?e4 to U"» conferrcd. € On the Sth, the House passed the above n btll over tho veto by a vote of 113 to 3S, ? ;\nd U wiU prvb.vb\y bccomv n V,uv. r

<;e». Gra«t oi tbe Yeto. Wasßi2iGToy t January 7 —The st#temcnt sth-it Gen. Grant approres of the Pre3tdeiit*s veto of ihe Franrhbe BiH h antnit. Hi; to;d t!.e Arka.i.Ms «!c : "e»tion to go home and f<\S4 t:i? Constftufienal An)endnient, nnd ty pc«.s a b?;i £rirs?ī»?j £UJfr.«c-e. ■ n: r- q