Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 4, 26 Ianuali 1867 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

English Column.


Fr'-m e.e i'.i.-'Oe f.f P<-c. "2T awl .t'\n. r>. ' In the great ya»:ht race across thn Atlantic. ; the llenriettv, bVnnett owner, was the vi.-tur. , She arrived at Coues after a passage of M <lays, |hss two minufes. The Fleetwhig and Vestn were, resp». ctively, eight hours liūeen ! . minutes and nine hours fificen minule* he-! hind her. She is having an enthusiastic re- : eepiion in England. ! Mexico. j President Juarez intiniates his oppositiou i to any ccssion of territorv to the United. : States. " | Imlian I>lass«ore ncar Fort Keanscy. ! On the 21st of December a detachment of j troops, consisting of eighty-four men and j three oflicers, started from Fort Phil. Kear- j ney, takinsr the voad to Montana, and, when j five miles from the fort, the troops were attacked by three thousand Indians. After a j most desperate fight, eveiv one was killed.l lt is reported that the loss of the Indians greatly exceeded in number the troops engaged. Sunicient reinforcements have heen sent from Fort Laramie to protect the military posts along the route. C'onsic>s. The conservative position of the Supreme Court ou certain important questions, is inciting Congress to preparc seasonabiy against embarrassment frorn this source. Arkn«sas. A loynl convention in Arkansns was held at Fort Smith December 13th, cornposed of about 400 de'egates. lt passed a resolutiou sustaining Congress and impartial suffrage, except untaxed lndians. They nsk Congress to abolish the pre»ent State Govermnent of Arkansas. The New Line to Ciiina. The Colorado, the first of the liue of the San Franeisco and China steamers, sailed on the lst, with 50 passengers, aml 200 Chinese in the steerage. The night before she sailed thcre was a grand banquet given in honor of the occasion at the Occidental Hotel, About 250'persons were present, includingour most distinguished citizens. Speeches \vere made by Gnv. Low, Gen. McDowell, Capt. Eldridge, Hall McAllister, Esq., Ex-Gov. Stan- j ford, Kev. Dr. Stone, A. F. Low, Esq., Pres- j ident Chamber Commerce, New York, Col. Balkley, E. A. Koekwell, and one of our leading Chinese merchants, Fung Tang. Thus was npproj)riately inaugurated a most important enterprise, destined toaituin to thc j widest comn»ercial results. i

Crc»t !•' ire in Vicksburg. \ ViCKsnrßo, Deccmhcr 24.—A fire | last niglit, at the curner oi Ciay and Front j Levec streets, destroyed the entire block anel j t\vo ndjoining oncs. One hmuJred luii!dings,! nniongr whii'h were thirty«eight brick siruct-, ures, were destroyed. One hundred fwmilies i vvere rendered homeless. Two white chil-j dren and four neijroes perished in the fl;imes. \ Six necrrocs perished bv accidcnt. Total loss ; estimated at 52,000,000. | Miscellnneous. | New Vokk, December 24 —Vera Cruz' dates of the 20th say the Fn>»ch haveseized | §2,000,000 lmpcriai trensure. The steamer' Eugenie sailed wi:h §600.000, §400.000 be-' longing to the French Governnient and the r rest to private citizens. Ma\imiiian left Orizabu on the 12:h for the eapital. Mart]uis Flourney has failed in his eflbrts to mise monev for the Emperor, and Bazaine has heeome iiisopen aud avo\ved enemy. A rumor is current in San Fr.incisco that the United States sream frigate Lancaster foundered atseaotl Cape Horn duringa gale. Gen. Sherman does not hesitate toexpress his want of eonfidence in the consistencv and fidelity of ihe Mexicau Liberal leaders. On the morning of the lSth, 10,000 French troops commenced embarking at Veru Cruz for Fnuice. Nearly all couimeree in the interioris paralyzed for U'anl of protection. French merchants ar« selling out and going home. : Several French transports recently arrived at Vera Cruz. Kuropeun lntelligeßce. A Freach iron-clad lleet is reported to be about leaving Cherbourg for Ver»\ Cruz. The Pope stays in Kome. AU intention of lcaving abanikmed. '

•••■ •» :hreateaed r.;pmrt G r ,,. >? 3ihJ T<irk-y. 16.—Th<? rshtio«s be \ .'Cor t?nnr ••:-.•! a r;«i >hc Pope -irv be« • oa.ihu nior*? <in) .i.*;~j ract'^rv 'v r 17—Sumu i? to broujh: nonie ;or rruti :n a Uoite»i Sqkj Tf - ? .. • I> j cemhor ! f ».—Advic«?s from Kur?i:\ -rito ih\i iho is deterrn;neu tc gran; con>:essions to and ihat thev wia Le amia£e<i by a ConHnīsston, orer whioh He WiU pre6ide iu persoa.