Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 4, 26 Ianuali 1867 — Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. Missionary Life-Boats. [ARTICLE]
Ka Nupepa Kuokoa.
Missionary Life-Boats.
lv u. r.i^oiux. Wriii<Mi f.»r th" A<va.M<4>. an<l c«ivBr at tho crmKnkation of the Author'« ch»idr'.n oo buar«J 11j o M<>nvn</ Sj/tr. N«jt. 12, IV,G. Tt s f. — Mimonary ('hanl. •• A !ittlc «hip " ilid l"hr:i?t d«?irn». To lvar i«>vihati<.jiV cU .io>t T<» H>ui> inv lv. «l in rt;m uir<*. Ar«urvi <i« thr«»n'» pn.-'l ebor?s. lli* hfr.Vi f Wjon* h<: ?[rectls ufar— I/*t nu:jj> r"r.< *h:j* up u tf»'m wui«, And<;r'n th<- cl»Jldrōn*s M«rntn(j Star f«rth tu »i«l hu work m grcat. Go, angcd-wingcd, bl«*t Morning Slar, Svrwji r<Pīirl<"« o'«r tho migiitv de».*p ; Ssife c>f rv j l.irik, and &*il. and sj<ir, — Ar»d ali on lmrd, may Siu»uld tlir-.-n.js and r<>ar, Thcn cru«t vour J*i!o(, «killed and truo, Tim<'ly to l>ring hU fnend4 aAhon*, . Aron th;it " I*jkc" whore U.'u»]-c?t3 blt-w. Thc wimli» :u»d wavv« hia voi<» olwy~»' hwthcn :u£c, he ealuii» the fluod ; Fihh'« jtraytr hu h«»rs ai»d clcar» tlie way, L(j«t inU.w t<j and hring to G<xl. Thcn t«> t!ie hr(.HL*z?! your canva« sj«r«id ; Tcn th<»u«tnd j>ntycrß eaeh »ul fha!l fill; Cilve raiiji3h» d m- n livmg foread, And lielp Uiem l«r.vm his gluii >us vr 'dl. J>jn<l nut your nwj»cl Jifo-boaUi sur»j, \\"here AnuA»! hilloww roll amuiu ; Thcre, for thc h»«t, j»romj>t aid And throri£n of fihipvvreck' , d wuls regnin. I)wcllcr» in f.ir off ahall bail Tho ri«ing of their ilcrald-Btur ; 'Por thelr Itedecm«ir will not fail f llis ehoseo *ho»;p to bring fron» far. When all hi« floek orose Jordan's flfx>d f &)niP j>reeiouN jrouls, resnlendent there. Frum thoM> <l;irk shorcs, shall blcss our (iod, I''or Liie-Ikui.-» iik« v the Moming S(ar.