Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 3, 19 Ianuali 1867 — Miscellancons Items. [ARTICLE]
Miscellancons Items.
IN'early 2,oooGermnna lenve Eurupe every ! iveck lor the United States in the Brcinen and Hamburg mail packets. Even So.—Somebody says the President's fspeeehes are champagne documents." He mennt cnmpaign. Twenty-t\vo oeean steamers enter nnd snil froin Aspinwall nnd Pannma monthly. A roynl decree has nppeared in the oflicial ]ournal at Madrid, the most important clause of whieh is that any penon of color living as n slave in the Sj)anisli Aniilles shall t without distinc.tion of age or sex f l)ecomc free from the iuoment that he or she may touch the soil of the Peninsula, or any other country in whieh j|avery does not exist. Sinco the fire at Poriland on Julv 4th, there have been between 600 and 700 }>uildings cyrected, including 15 three story brick nnd gninite blocks, containing in all 24 stores. The total contributions received by Mayor Stevens, of Portland,for the relief of the sufferers by the tire la<i but $12,000 of half a million. Houses eleven stories in height are now being built in Paris. Platforms ascend and descend every minute, and lurnish the means of communication bet\veen the ili{ferent stories. There are no stairs. Lav Preachino amono tkb Aristocrac\\ Two English lortls have lately appeared as preachers. The Ear! of Cavan preaches forenoon and nfternoon in the Free Chua*h in Dtitßown, to large congregations, and Lord Adelbert Percy Cecil, youngest son of the Marquis of Exeter» recently delivered a reliffious address in the National School room nt Kaston, aiul another nt an out-door meeting in Worthrope. The American Boaril is taking mcasun(?s tosecure'a representation of its great work at tho appronching Phris Exp*.»sition. It is expect<nl that eomplele sets of all books tninslated by the missionaries,and printed invarious heathen languages, will be on exhibition. A chart is also to be prepared on a ver\' large scale, with the missions prominently reprvsentcd. lt is to bo ho|H»d that other missionary bt«iirds wili take up the matter with equal vigor. A CtmisTiAX PATRtoT.—Rev. Dr. Hosmer, lVsident of Antioeh College, told the follo\ving story in a speech at Syracu:s£ : A young clorgyman who was settled at Vellow Springs, when the w*nr broke oui, raised a company. mostly in his own parish, and marched with it to the fieid. For bnive a«d meritorious conduct he was raised to the command of a regiment. At the end of the three years, ho eame home with his men, reenlisted, and went haek. He was soon proinot« 4 d to the rank of a Brigadier, and it \vas liis brigade thut broke the enemy's center in that t«rril»k engagt:ment i>c«r NashvUle,
! ' ther2by saring the city. W hsn the eonaiel lended t th° peep-6 nnr.ted sen<» Gm°n! !'McConnel to Congre^ r hut he wr:iM not Thcy ln cffcr*:d to make h**ui « f Pn> taī*', bnt he >vould not tak" thK »>!TI ?. H<? J wns a min»sfer «hen 1 ureot fo thp i vrzr. I ivs? a whiie I in the |war. and l 'iKan to be a mtnL?t'CT while I ; hve." He feas re?urned hlī work ort Yei:o\v i Sprins?,end ever%' Sundav I sit witb p<ii6ra- ! |tion under hi* direct and preachmc. j LaINCH 0F THL GBEAT KtPl*sLiC —This j at half-j*ist nine o'elnek, says the j IS>w York Tri6vne of Norember Sth. ihere j will be launched from the shipyani of Henry | Steers, at Greenport, ibe pioneer ship of ihe ■ ) Pacific Mail Company"s new line of steam- \ | ers, to run bctween San Fran<"isco «nnd China. j She is to be named the Great Republic y and ; | when completed will be the largt-st wooden • j «teamship alloat. The keel of tbe vessel was I | laid last December. The extrcme !ength is ; !'JSO feet; breadth of beam 50 feet; depth of |ho!d3l feet six Her custom house j ineasurement is 5,000 tons. She is .the! | strongest and most <übstantial vessel erer yet I constn.icted, being diagonal!y stmpped on the ; inside of the hull with iron bands five inches ; wide. She is also planked over her timbers, j ond diagonal!v stmpped with iron bands. on the outside, in addition to whieh she | is doub!y planked over the outside strap- j ping, tbercby makitig the ves?el os heavy •' agnm as an ordinary one of tlie same dimen- i sions. Her enijine is being coni?tructed at | the Novelty Works. lt is an upris:ht bearn. I with a cylinder 105 inehea in diameter, and ; 12 fect stroke of piston. Her wheels are 40 I feet in diarneter. ft i< expected that she will | be ready for sca on or about the lst of Fel>-1 ruarv. !