Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 3, 19 Ianuali 1867 — English Column. Island News. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
Island News.
AcufrrTEO.— We «re peitne<l lo be obliged to note the fact that a foreigner, recently from California—xve will not give his name— \vas on Wednesday acquitted of the charge of attempt to commit a rape on a Hawaiian child only *ix years of age. The attempt was proved, and we honor the tvvo jurymen who stowl for conviction. Hut ihe case reversed, and that it was the act of a Hawaiinn upon a whitechild—would not thc cnm<J appear heinou» enough, to all, to require severe pnnishinent ? A Qi?ery.—Why has not the case of ebooting whieh occurred on the lst of Noveml)or at Kailua, on tbis ibland, been investigatcd by those whose duty it is. We understood the woman Kalama swore, before her deccase, that she was delibemtelv shot by Maria. She was at that time supposed to be in a fair way to recover, hut soon after died in the hands of a natire doctor. Sach cases are A)ly passed ovcr at tbe penl of uur whole community. Thb Lepkk» on Molok^i.— We are rejoiced that the Commercial Adrerther has drawn the puhlie attention to the lepers on Molokai. The whole scheme of placing these miscrable beings in so remote and inaccessible n locality has proved itself worse than a failme. Let there be soine isolation—some scpanition- -bnt none soextreme is necessary. The Board of Heahh had, we doiibt not, nono other th;m good intentions, but we trust they will tcvise the whole subject.
The Royal Gardens were on Tuesday sold ut auctifib for the sum of only 52,200. Wbat a commentary on the financial ability of the niarmgcrs of thc Koyal Agricultural Society! Thr Colokado. —None but thc heroic few Mill hope that the Coftrrado will totieh here on her fir*t voyage. For ourselves, we would quito ns leave have an indepeiidcnt line, inakitig San Francisco and Honolulu its termini. And in case the present contract with this Government is brokcn by the failure of thc Pacific Mnil Steamship Company to fulfill its part, we trust, in any new eontract, n monopoly of thirty years will not again bc gmnte<l.