Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 2, 12 January 1867 — Europe. [ARTICLE]

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Surratt has bt-en capturfd in Egypt. 'l'ho correspondeucu rolutive to the capture oi J(>hu H. Surr.«tt lias boen communic«teil to tho 11otiso. Surratt says he pnrticipated in n plot for the nbduction of Lineoln, but \vas nt St. Alh.in*s. Vermont. when he honrd r>f tlio a>-sassination. At Kome, he ndmiteii his share in the conspir»icy. and said Jeff. Pavis \vns c«'gniz-\nt of the scheme. l>y the Atliintic Cabl«, we receive news thnt the evacuntion of Kome by the French was virturtlly completed Dec. 13. Vcra Cru/ ndvices to December 2d say Ma\imilian hns been \nduced by the hberal <>t!Vrs of the Church pnrtv nnd the merchunts m eiwiiinue it\ iMexico. and endeavor to deI'. ihl the Imperial crown. He is s«id to hnve r< c«nved t\venty-five million dollars from the Church, \vith n promise of as niueh more. The war news froin vnrious p»\rts of the country, howevrr, indicntes thnt he will need somethmg bcsides money to maintain nn l<mpire in Mexico. The Atlantic Cable gives ns intelhgence of an increase o(the Feninn troubles in irelaml. The British Governinent hns ordered another regiment ucross the ehnnnel.