Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 2, 12 Ianuali 1867 — Congressional Proceedings. Dec. 3. Congress Met. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Congressional Proceedings.

Dec. 3. Congress Met.

(„ jj ie Hou«»\ Mr of Mn««-nchuset(s. intrn.!tiC"d -.1 h:ii to repe«l the thirt-enth seot ;.t:j r,f \\v A'i»n<'MV Act. and the r»«lfs being s:)sp'Mi'l<'(l, tne b:il p.! s sed—yeas. 111 ; navs. :v.t. \V Dc. 4.—ln the House, Mr. \V-ntwnrth 'AT rr<-.l tr.e follown»L r resolution : ll<snlvfd: In resp«»r»se to th;»I portion of t'».. PnM'l'Mil'.'' im\-»»g , e th»t rel;ites to those (■."n'iiiitiit rs whieh el »inioel to he Confeder* r-t" Stit-s i.f Aiii* rio *. ths»t thi« Hou»e find? i'i the tu.tny ;scts of disloy»«lty whieh have tr»i,<pir«d i"n thos«« eommunilie». ?mce its liM niljourntiu'nl. .is well as in the recent ri'.-iinns in loy*l St:»tes, additu»nnl sensons I.ir ii)Msiinir ott thc ndoptton f»f the p#»f»d«ng l Auiend'iiPfit, before it will «•..Ms t ,|<. r the propriefy "f givinjr them.Conf• >si o n .11 r<• p r*\s»• ntn t) on. Mr. Aneonn moved to lay the resolution t;ih.»\ L'.st — v«m«, 32 ; nnys, 119. 'I'he rc.s;/|utioi) wus then adoptyd without diviMon. Kiismui, of lown, nfferred a resolution, on wliu-h ln« il'mu indid tlu- previfitis questnm. • «••il-inu up« ti the Ju(liciary Committee to eon- j s• d• r 111«> propr»ety of m«U*iNii" it the duty of j th" Pri'sid''i»t to proclaim mnrti.»l law iu i tl»«.M' di>tricts of the lately rcbellio«s Smtes wli' w u»urdi-rs or other outr;iges h;»ve been , committed upon c*itiz#*ns, nnd where the loeu!» authoriti- s hfive f«»led or refused to oct and| ptittish o(r«'nd<'rs. Agreed to. 7._The Se/iate Committee on thc I)i>trict of Columbia hnve ngreed to report n h»!l ivii»if uuivers;il su{frnge in the d»strict ainl aiuiwin«f the D»strict to elect delegate to Congre<s. D- c. 10. —A resolution was ndopted eall- - on the l'residtMit to fuvn»sh the names of nll piT>otis engj»ged īn the vehellion who have heen p»rdoned since April, 1565. Dec. 11.—The House hns passed, by IM2 to ;U, the Judi('i;iry Cominittee bill, provitlinrr thut tl»r Clerk ot the House shall not p|.»ce on the rollsof the ilouse the names of any (i»<'mbfrs from Stntcs lntely in rebellion until the»r govcrnments shall have been recoirnized l»y Coi»j, r ress. A hill, providinii thnt no St»ite shnll be enti(led to representat»ot» in the Llectonil Coll'ire till it is represented in Congress, Wii.s reported niul made the special order for Th»»rsday. j