Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 51, 22 Kekemapa 1866 — The Endless Home. [ARTICLE]
The Endless Home.
('PINK, 11 1 »M KWA K l» Hol'NP )
i. Lo ! (I eomiMiiioii.-'. we onwanlK* ltHllo To th lioine, enJh >s home ; ()Vr the wii*l ni:i:an we rotl wilh the tiile To th" cn(lle>'s hoiiio, eml!ess home ; ri!*«» thc hiliows, an<l dasli on tn swells, I !ither aml hither our lile vessel reel.s, Steercd bv our Holmaman, she ?till hencls her sails, To th' cmlless honie, endles.s home. 2, Dark storms nre Inweniu». yet ouward we im)ve f To (h' emlles.s hortie, emlless home ; Voiider is peeriiiL, r , thro' thiek clouds übove, The etull«ss liome, etnlless homi'; Gunrd us, 0 Pilot, O «uanl us wiih love, Het»r us on salV!y, give pe iee from nbove, Semi j>rosperous hreezes, that on we may move To th' eudU\ss home, etulle>s home. a. Homes here nrcchnnging,butftxcil thatabove, The endiess home. etulless home ; Join'us, ye wcary, togcther we'll move To th' eti(11e!«8 hoine, endless home ; Thero will be banished all sighin<j and fears, Hanished all evils, all griefs, pains and tea rs; Comu then witli u? atid with us resi from cares, In th' endkss home, endless home. i Lo ! here's the hnrbor, we're pnssing straight o'er To th* etv!le>s home, endless home ; Hast'nin«; we'll ynchor, aiul k>und to the shore 0f th' eiulless home, endlcss home ; Sin«jtng to Jesus, we'll sing nnd siog long, K<scued, nnd tmnquil, our night is ull trone ; F.nter then shoot\ne. nnd shout ever on In th' endless hoine, endiess home. Haw.wi.