Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 51, 22 December 1866 — Precious Best for the Weary. [ARTICLE]

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Precious Best for the Weary.

1. lu tho m;wisions up in trīory, Ktcrnal rcst tlicro'll l>o, Tlii'rc's thc pcnve thnt is «II hcnvcnly, Ami thc proeious rcst for mc. Cno.—lVcioiis rcst for thc \vci\ry, rrccious rcst fnr thc \veary, Prccious rest for the \vcnry, rcst for thec ; Ou tl»c other Mile of Jorilan, ()o thc bni;ht h»lis of Eilen, On thc liclils with flo\vcrs blooining, Thcrc's thc rcst for thce. i!. Jcsu.s's gonc lK'forc to furnish rooms (oxl:\'uīy gucst, For thc rhiUlrou, tuul di?cipUs, \Vhuvo thcy nll togctlu r rcst. Cno. — lVcnous rcst lor thc \vcary, &c. [\. Vomlcr voiccs aro ull joyi«l, Thcrc uo notcs of hun;t, !S*o moro \vcnry, al\v;iys singinp, Siugini; for that prceious rcst. Cuo.—Pnn'ioua rcst for thc \vcary, &c. •1. to«;cthcr, \vcnry comradcs, !Sini! asccnilini, r upwnnl far, Sing when voiccs nrc proclniining, " Lo ! thnt prccious rcst i? ncar." Cuo—l*rccious rcst for thc \vcary, *.Vc. f>. Sing yo l(uulor, lo! thcrc's opeuiug Yomlcr mnnsion's bc;uitcous iloor • Kutcr sini;ine all trinmphnnt, Thcrc you'll rcst for t*vcrmore. Ciif».— l'rccious for the wenry, ® Prccious rcst for thc \vcary, i'rccious rist tor th<? \voary, . l'rccious rcst for thcc ; On thc othcr snle of Jordan, On the htlls of EUon, On thc lield» \vith ftowcrs blooming, There's the rcst for thce. Hawau.