Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 50, 15 December 1866 — The Endless Home. [ARTICLE]
The Endless Home.
[Tli,\NM,ATiON.] |
(Tr>r., Ho.mkwaki» Hoi:nd.) .
1. Lo ! (> comp;uuon;s wi. 4 onwnnl!y To th' eiulli ss lioiih', cndh'>s honie | ()Vr thr wihl neeiin wo roll with the tiiic ! To tir riullrss hom»\ cihl'.css hoine ; thc hillows, nml d;ish on in s'vells, llilhcriinil hithrr our lite vessel reels, i Stcerc<l by our Helmsinan, slie ?till bends her snils, } To th' einlhonie, endles.s hoiue. j 8. Oark storms lue lowtring. yet onward we inovt\ | To ih' emlie.s.s home, enillc3s honie ; | Voiuler is jieeriug, thro' thiek cloiuls above, The eiull*/ss hoine, emlless hoine ; j (Juard us, 0 Pitot, U guard with love, He»r us on s»fcly, givi» penee from nbove, ! ; Seiul |)rosj)erousl)ree/.es,that on we inny move ( To th' eiulless home, endless home. | ». I llotnes liere nrechnnging, but f»xed thntabove, j Thc cudless honie. eudless home ; Join us, ye weary, together we'll rnovc To th' endlesH hotno, endless home ; Thero will be bauished all sighing i\nd fears, , Hnnished nll evils, all gr\eU, pains nnd | ,tears; ! Come then with us and with us rest from ; eares, 1 In th' etulless home, endless home. <1. Lo ! here's the harbor, we're pnssing stnvight o'cr ! To th' endle>s home, eiulless home ; ; Hnst'ning we'll jnchor, :>nd bound to the shore ; Of th' endless home, endless home ; Sin«jmg to Jesus t we'll sing nnd sing long, ' Krscued, «nd tnmquil, our night is ull j gone; | Kuter then shouting. nud shout ever on j lu th' endless home, endless home. Hawail. :