Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 49, 8 December 1866 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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English Column.


The l*\'n enniin';? Ino.r pr n^n:n r .>" ' T '.v;u. IVm i'T,t Ko l -°rts l,:i> b>u-:d a :t'l'ir« sin \vh:-'i (»•• 15-• 1 r^s th*? t'.>: t l ;v iiw< v.-'ii .'lOl te ir: v.-!y. ;jji i them to fvT* thr;r m;i:rary ori;;niz»tion. It is tho nrm* t iken !-y ihe (.iovernm«?nt fro?n t!ie l'ennns arv to r*?:url '1. Th<- !Y>;*k':U h*s t'ik»-n nnot'; t :r towarN th• 11 hnnl r'-ie;i>e of Davi- whioh t* -,jv'n'. ! r i!.'y arit:r!|vi{f»ii. Insrr^or 10-ihav-? !" •'i y"nr to G'.-nera! Burton. w:jo s'j>-.;e» <!"d ' r*?n»rrai Mih*s in <*'•;rtri.:tii«i ot I*ortrc.ss M» ni'f?. lo reniOve tiie from th'' pn?oner > • ipnrj(iant>. ahanlon thc t:rvo 1! !:*n--_e thr\t ii:is \*:vn innint:'.:ne<! for many n;onth>. an.l • •\:i'n;i thc privi!ei:os of the (S:iroh, so thnt Dnvis is to 1-:* treate<i. while !»e rem;iins. ns a «i >tin'_ru:siif-<i ol' thc Govcrnirient. The f.iree wouUl proh::hly !-e eneieii. wit!iont t'urther (ie!;iv, V<ut lor a tio 11!■ t as t<> tne s:-i"<'tv of Divis when o'.is;iie thc wa!ls of Fortr-ss Monoioe. Tne Eunipeun nc'.vs is portentous. Thc Pnns P>rsrc asserfs thnt the allianee of Pru>sia and Rus?ia is a fixcd fart. and a (jispat'"h froin St. Petersburcr says thc miliary and navai foroes ot the C./ar are to U.» raised to their rna\iinuni streugth—that is, plat-vd on a war footing. The Spants!i Government is said to rontemp!atc a eoup d'ctat. In Austria. Francis JosL-ph has appointcd a new Mmister 0f War nnd cons'Mittd to conveno t!ie Huncarian Diet. (_ount Monliiolon, French Ministcr at \Voshington, ts to he tran?ferrcd to Lis!>on, and a ne\> ; Minister. whn<c nnme is !>nocked nwry !'V i t.>lc C raphic tr. will he scnt to t(,is 'country. Mont:io!on has lonpheen a of tiie United Statcs. The cause of his i neail is not stated. i The Tonnessee Legislature was to eommenee Nov. 5 a session of extraordmary polilieal importance. but it was not e.\pectcd 1 that a quorum would bc obtained for scveral idays. Governor Brownlow has determinrd to reco")iucnd t!ic cxtension of the Miftrage jto tho aud the pcrpetua! di>franc!itsemctu of a"il rebels. As most of the prominent radica!s of Tennessee have nlready talccn tlie sanie ground. there is little room lor ;doubt tiiat Andrew Jo!inson's State will lead t!ie South in equalizing political rights ainong thosc who nave fnithfully ad!iered to t!ie cause of the naiion through every peril. lnformation has been receivcd at \\ nshington of tiie abdication ot Maximiiian. Plie Austrian Frince left the City of Mexico betore Gencral Castelneau arrived there. and ■ procccdcd to Orizaba, wlieie bc was to i.s>ue a muuiiesto announcing the cnd ot his briet but storiny reign. Castelneau took possession of the Niuional Falace nnd assumed the reins of Governnietit. llie t rench soliliers who had en!istcd umler Maximihan returncd to their old orgauizitions, and nre 110 p) back to France" under Cnstelneau's : order.s. General Diaz has captnred the , unportant city ot Uaxaca, in ihe flourishing > State of that nauie. The ac([uittal of Lumsden, one ot thc | Feniitn prisoners at Toronto, caused 'considcr<ible cxcitement the Canadian Catholics, who attribute tlie verdict to religi- • ous pr.'judiocs, and say the evideuce 1 Luinsden was stronger thau that brought ' MeMahou. j Juare/. has written a letter discluiming I anv desmn to cede the Nonliem Statcs of : Mexico to thc Uuited States. Minister j Komero has spokcn to the saine effect. And ' still there is renson to believe that our ;Government will obtain Lower California at ! lcast betore the Mexican question isadjusted. The ijra.ut to the Coionizttiou Company ii> a ij.troUi; oiiamuee of that rcsu!t. lt is ,'obviouslv bad policy for the Junre/, C»overn!mentto countenance the disiutcgration of i Mexican tcrritory at this time. : From Furope we leani t!uit the Prince ot | Wa!es will attend an imperial inarriage cere!mony at St. Petersburg—n smguli»r missou {in vicw of the threatening aspect of the j Eastem question. The English Govcrn'meiU has ordered one of thc titteen-inch I Uodman nuns. (or the purpose of couiparing 1 it with the most effective ordtiance productd !in Enpland. The Bnttsh army i* 10 be I supplied with brecchloading rifies. i From the Dailv l ninn ot Xovoinber 8. j The rcturns of the clections held in the I Atlantie States are glorious. The Union ! party has again swept the tield, and rolled |upalarger niajority on the popuiar vote |than was achieved in the samc at the ; last Presidential election. Massachusetts I ijives Governor Bullock about <5,000 mafjority. New Vorkgives Governor Fenton a j mnjority of 10,000, after the Hoffman j"King" in the inctropolis hnd counted a ' majority there of nearly -17.000. New Jersey 1 elects a Union Legis!atun" and four l T niontsts ;to Con£rress, being a £rain of t\vo. llli nois j<*ives the Un ion ticket at least 40,000 |majoritv; Michigan, 25,000; Missouri. 4 -25,|000; \Visconsiih 1S.000; Minnesota, S,000; ; and Kansas a majority not fu!ly estimated. ! Delaware and Maryland are the only States : thas offered the Copperheads any conifort. i Twenty States have elected 131 Union '} Representatives, and only thirty-two Cop« ': perheads—being a net gain of four for the , i Union party. The two-thirds vot« of the ,! Senate is also secured and reintorced, the loss of Senator Cresswell in Maryland being :inore than offset by thc gam of Cole,, Corbett, ;Cattell. and a Senator in plaee of Cowan. ! j The President appealed to the people. Ho*v II will he take the veulict ? t| The Constantinop!e correspondent of an ; American journal st»ys l>oth Russia nnd 1 Greece are striving to involve ihe l T nited ' States in the comp!ioations 011 the Eastern ' question. Greece proposcs to send an Em« ' !bassy to \Vashington to counten»ct the Euv ; lassy frotn the Porte. lt is the opinion oi ' the same correspondent that Kussia is mon= ' lanxious to press the solution of the Eastern • jtjuestion than either of the Westem Powers, 1 ; aikĪ henee she insii<r.»tes insurrection m tht | Tutkish don»ini< ns,