Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 46, 17 November 1866 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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English Column.


! Fr. m !h- , W-'k:y T'r. c '■? «.>■;. 20 ' The lsAqer's sp»oia! <1 respvctinjj the fonsultat)o!i of the Attorn«*v bv the Pn.»sident on the qucstion of the consti« tionn!iiy ot ConcTo?s, is reported to have heen a fievire ot goi<l «pe<*ulators, it \v,is taken up aiul circu!ateil throuchout thecountry by the A v«>ocinte<l Pres>\ it is said to have lx>en fnrnished hy an ofticer in the Post Utliice Department. These attempted explanations do not aciree. The dispatrh created great excitcment, caused distrust in niercantiie circles and raised tne premium on «Told. The elcction returns arc better than the first reports. The Unionists have forty majority in the Indiana Lesislature of Pennsyivania. General Geary> tna]ority may rench twenty thou?and. The Xe\v Vork* journals regard the result as an ovenvhelmi»i£T verdict in favor of the posirion taken hy Cor»2ress toward the President and the South. The Daily ISews. the chief organ of the ConfedeMte in the North, says the people havc decided to renew the Radical lease of po\ver and hopes the triuinphant party will act with moderation. Among the Union nominees for in Massachusetts are General Butler, George S. Houtwell, John D. Baldwin, Samuel ilooper and T. D. Eliot. Muximilian is reported to have thrown himself into the arms of the Church party of Mexico. ln considerution of the sum of twenty-five nūllions. the Austrian prince is to adopt the etitire progmtnme of the Church, and to cease all ellorts to conciliate the Liberals. An arraneement of this kind will leave Santa Ana \viihout a party. The State Department authorizcs the puhlication of a letter fr<»n a Bel»ian now in the civil servire of Maximilian to the Emperor in di(ficulty, charging the French Government \vith pursuin«r a selfish and co\vardly policy, and advisin£ him to make an appeal to the Mexican people of support. The \vriter thinks Napoleon wants Max. to uddicate and has anothcr project for securmg French interests in Mexico. In case of the failure of thc appeal to the people, the Belgian thinks :Maximilian miyht return to Austria with a fair pro?pcct of heeomini* Emperor in plaee of Francis Joseph. \vhose .thdication is dcmanded by thc people. How this letter eame into the possession of our S:ate Departmcnt is not exphūned.

At the l>anquct given in Lomion in honor of tlu- ohiel' promoters of t!ie oeean telegraph, a letti'r from the Queen \vas read. iinnouneing- that she had knighted Captain Anderson, of the Greaf Enstern, Professor Thompson, the eleetrican. and Glass, the cable manufacturer, aiul had conterrcd baronetcies on Sainpson and Gooch. The Queen said she had not give» Cyrus \V. Field a similar marlc of favor, froni an appreheasion that she might trespnss upon the legitimate provin:e of the American Governmc j nt. Qukiikc, Oct. I(3.—At a public meeting, ealleil to devise means for the suf}erers by the late fire, 815,000 \vere subseribed. The nut»ber of lives lost is six, and the number of houses burned 2,300. rVearlv 20,000 people are \vithout shelter. Thc \veather is, ho\vever, very lavorable. Nhw Yokk, Oct. 19.—The Timcs' \Vash» inglon special still insists that Stanton has tendered his resignation and has signified his desire to go as Minister to Spain. As soon as Geneml Sherman ean be heard from the l J resident wiil act. The funeral of John Van Buren took plaee this morning from Gr«ice Church, and \vas largely attended. I*lexico. Nf.w York, Oct. 17.—Later advices from the rity of Mexico say that Maximtlian has nmv taken the field in person, and as soon as ready will open the campaigu. There is littie question that he will restore order throughout the northern Department, and \vhere the Liberals have bce» quietlv permitted to make considerable head\vay. The energies of i\laximilian are now directed to perfect his native Mexica» army, whieh a!ready amounts to some forty thousand men, splendidly officered and equipped. For the artillery, there are soine iouneen batteries of rifle six-pounders, wieh good horses and gunners. There is no Liberal force in Mexico that ean eope \vith these troops. The infantry are equally well-eon-ditioned.