Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 43, 27 October 1866 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
Thc I .mII ElUelioiiH in the IHit <<) Mnte*.
Wc< r.v.., bv U. <. Yan>Urlilt ?o Oe:. l:j. Fourf. f the st '.eb h:y d lhf a.;;io.u i ; ;;,e ; Cu.".^:•,•>.•«. Ch:-;.ago. O:: l*,r lU;h. r.'iC ret«r.'i* Iro:n lo;v,i [:.i,csto Hepuh!:•*•»n jp rr.>, rrj sj •r.tv in the of prt'b.i h,'y ō'ō.OO'.». an<j the entirv Coi'.crr-:ssiona I ! i v ''U"' t! 'Ui. Oi.i.j ha> .iorse r.cb'y. Trte L'mon mnj >rity m ?h- S:i!v :s '. i =timat-:d ;st i«t\veen I"»ftv aud <;xty thou* in<!. T:i'-' C mi;re?sion;\i de!''gjii"U i< The Presidentia! party appe:tr to have inade treri.endous efforts to <: irry Pennsyivitnii, so th.\t, ?'noogh the Union vote is incrensed. Gener ii majority \vi;l prohibiy not reach -0.000. The lo.lnna L'.g;siature is uil right in both : br;tnehfs. 1 Pr-'sident .)uhnson is reported tohavestykd the late Congrt ss an illegaland unconstitutionai ri<-SMnoi;:£e. His speech to Queen Einma was ahout the n)(>>t uni;a!iant pieee | o| intemationa 1 eh".r|ueu<je ever pnh!ished. lt coinpnres well, however, with his utteran- ■ ces before t!ie SovereiLrn People, whoui, un- ; d 'avoriuy to conciiiate, he so dis<justed on his : | recent tour. | ; October 9th. ■ ! Ha rey, the noted horse tntner, died at i Cieveland l istweek. ! Arrivals at 13ostou,Xew Vork nnd Fortress ; Mouroe report many di> isiers on the oeean. • i Tne steamer Evening Stnr, frotn New Vork , ; f»r New Or!eans, foundered one hundred aud | : eighty «ni!es easc of Kioi'ula, with 150 pas- ' setigers and fifty of the crevv. A terrific and ; destructive storm has occurred off Newfound- ! !.uid, wree!\iug inany vesseis, nnd causing ; ! i;reat loss ot life. A French frignte was | j among the ships lost iu the jrale. One hun- j S dred aiul fifty bodies have been washed j ; ashore. ; | From Europe we have a report that tiie i Pope is preparing tor f!ig!it or cuptivity. j The French leave Rome īn December. i ! lt is said that Peni and Chile are not dis- j ! posed to eoiKkule peaee with Spain until j ! t:iey have made a naval demonstratiou on | j the Spanish coast. The success of the Atlnntic Cab!e dis- j courages the projectors of the Russian- 1 American telegraph. While the Russians I are pushin£ the work in Siberia with marvel- 1 ous energy, far up to\vnrds Behrings Str-iits, j the Dirccfors of the Western Uniou Telgraph j Company, have heeome satisfied that the 1 line on this side of the Paeilie will not pny. 1 The\ve!i known house of Chas. W. Brooks & Co. San Francisco, has suspeuded payment.