Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 42, 20 October 1866 — English Column. Foreign News. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
Foreign News.
Thc i , reswi > »nt's elei:tionperinp tour terminates di?a?trou?ly. [5y the f il; of the hridge a! J->hn?town. Penn«ylvani i. thirtpen lives were lost ;ind more tijnn one iiundred per--5 o" were injured. The Baltimore City C')jncil ref'iscd lo t<?mW the iiospitaiities of city nf the Pres»dent on his return, on the croand that he was on a sturnping tour. >»cr(.'tary Seward remams at d i''u r eri»i;s!y īll. Ttie Nanon»! KepuhUean C-'-:Mrnttee in(end to is<ue a renort of the nuide by the Pre«>ident during his 11 ir. whieh are jaid lo contain ?tart!ing de- ;. .r iiiwns of his p«»hey. Sept. 24th. The sfate rf Secrct;iry Sewnrd's health iu:« iuiprovetl and he is pronounced ont of 'l-mjer. AdvK-rs froin Mexif:o ?tate that Snn Lois i< i»eiug evacuated by the Imperiali.«ts. Tne Li!»erals. havi,ig received rnunit»ons of \r.irfrojn the Uriited States, are arming new :ro-and Americans are constantly arrivīn the o»»untry and sweliing the ranks oi" ihe Liheral army. lt is said the Liberals, invipjg full inean? will immediately fortify n,l.important seaports. San Fbancisco, Sept. 24th. (i'ioen Emina and suite arrived at noon t->-t!ay m ihe P. M. S. S. Sacramen(o, and t.ms r»'ceivpd by Mr. Hitchcock, the Hawan Ctiii«ul nnd escorted to the Ot'cidential 11'■ t e 1, wi)«'re a suit of neat!y deTorated ;ipartn;frlls hail heen got ready for her. The U. S. rfV(.'nue cutter Shubrick svent to sea nnd v-iM'ivtMl the gup»t with a royal salute of i2l and then escorted hership to the city ; l'ort Puint s.iluted «gain, nnd the colors of fh" other fortilications and on board the U. S. war steamrr Vanderbilt were dipped as th »■ Sacramcnto p;issed. The report th»t the \anderbilt is to be *ent to ilonnlulu to convey Queen Ernma is cfi(itrndicted, orders from Washinton preclu*urh a course, Every possible attention will, hower»*r, he ahown her. Vienna, Sopt. 22d.—Duke AlbTecht has I»>mi m;»do Commaudcr-in-Chief of the Ausnian Army. Vii:nna. Sept. '21st.—Austria has sent a Ch.irge d A(l'iirs to Berlin, who will repreMMit the Cuivernment until a Minister is app<unted.