Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 36, 8 September 1866 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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English Column.


{frvcj vr«i'r Aa< II ) Secrettry McCulioch annoonces fhat the na'ional deU on the lst of Au£>is; was ; S2,7i0.416,608, froco whieh the ca$b in the treasury, amounting to 8137.317.332. must be deducted. Prussia is bearding Englatd. When the King of Hanover ran away from h : ,s douv.tv,on» : he carried off treasure atrounting to 1,250,000 German thalers. whieh he depo«iied in the Bank of E«gland. Prussia now demands ihe surrender of this money, and aeeompanie? the demand with a threat that in cnse of refu.*a! she will seize and ho!d the English crown domains in Hanorer. John Bull is not used to this summnry diplotnncy. We are curious to see the efTect. The telegraph gives us dispatches from London, dated on the. evening of the l3th, nnd also ndvices of the same date from the Atlamic States. The eholem has made its nppearance nnd clauned victims in ihe Easlern cities, from New York to New Orleans. The reports show, however, that thus far the epidemic hns not largelv increased the of mortality. The rebel State Government has gone into operation in Texas. The Legislature convened on the Sth, and Throcktnorton, one of JefT. Dnvis' Genenls, was inauguratt'd as Governor ou the 9th. Tbe foreign inteliigence by the Atlantic eahle is important. £xcitement was caused in London on the 9ih by the discovery of a p!ot to blow up ihe Parlinrnent Hou?e. The powder wns so placed ns to explode the House of Lnrds if the match had been applied. Parlioment was prorogued next day. The Queen's speech included an expression of th;inJ»s to rhe Uuiied States for suppressing the Fenians. The Briiish Cusloms officers at Liverpool have seized six blockaderunrfers nt the instance of the United States G»)vernment. The onieial organ at Berlin opposes any extension ofihe French frontier. to the Khine. Austria ond Italy have extended the truce, nnd are negotiating for peaee. The Italian fleet \v:is dnmnged by a storm in the Adriatic. The Czfirof Kussin has visited the American squadron at Cronstadt. The Gretvt Eastert\ nnd her consorts have 1 sailed upon the expedition whieh has for its object the recovery and of the broken cable of lfet55. The broken cable tinder the Gull of St. La\vrence hns been recovered nnd will soon lie repaired, so that Now York will have direct cominunication with th$ statiou at Hean'a Content. The Philadelphia Johnson Copventiqn adjourned sincdic nt 2:30 p. m. y,esterday, The *only 'business trarisacled consisted of the ndoption of an address nnd a dech\ration of principles. and the appointment of a few Committeeij.. Ti)e rending of . the! nddress, I by Kaym.ond, oeeupieel an hpur. The resolutions embody the sentiments and principles set forth in the cnH f6rthe Conv,ehtion. A National Executive Committee nnd a Com- , mittee to wnil upon the Presideht with an ,ofl)cial copy on the proceedings wete providpd for. Doolitt,le reod n dispntch from Dcuver announcing the success of the Administration caiididate for Territorial Delegnte, nnd the Convention cheered. Vallandigham succeeded in huving his leiter of dcclinution read nnd was honored with the geneml applause of this patriotic body. Several nttempts were made by serenading p.irties to elieil a speech from ; this individual, who wns regarded by the outside crowd as the tiero of the occasion, but he failed to respond. Governor Perry of. South Carolma distinguished hjmself by eulogizing the patriotism of the Democratic. party. And thus ended the efTort of the officeho!ders, fhe reconstructed rehels nnd the disinterested Democmts to give n national and pntriotic coloring to the Presideut's poiicy.