Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 35, 1 September 1866 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
ATL4\TiC CaB!.E A rESF£CT su>:c£vs. — The Offices open for mes«a£pes. One day's receipts 85.012 in goid, in New York aione. | THE AtST*U?CS PatSSJASS HAD SĪG>EO an Ar«istice.—h is tbought )t wiii be eontioued. aod peaee will uitimateiy be deciared. Pru?sia reported lo have gained ali her points. Lonoom, Juiy 30.—A great meetinj; he!d, 300.000 persons present. HeAlutions adop* : ted deciaring that they had no faith in the ' Goverment. Lord Staniey, in Parliament, f proposes toaiiay the irritation caused by the : iate war in the Umted States, by appointing ; Commissioners o investigate ciairns, and if f possibie revise the rSeutrality iaws. I KIOT Is N'ew Oelea?<s. —100 blacks and ; whites kiiied, 160 wound"d.