Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 33, 18 August 1866 — English Column. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
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i !xt Uarrut Uu Mcrmng Stor) «»'«<• ™Thur*<hy, Aug. 16. ior Hougkon ? . 1 .)e Lhma Mrrc".qnts of Honoiuiu paii ncnr{y 8?o00.0(l f cr fre:ght nn shipm-nts rnade b\ her. This an i»d:catioa as to hcr carrying cap.ncīfy. nn(i h<?r ad*ptat;on to the merchnnt «ervice. Considerabie repair3 h-ive iK'en put nn her by Mr. he pr-. sent o\vnpr, and te:ng hiaiīf a lAiip carp«nter it has him at Icast an handrc<l p*r cent less than )t ivould have cost ihe Misiionary Bo3rd. Alter the rnoit exain>nation, she is A JVo 2. by the ln«ur.ince offic^s, whirh speaks well for her rondition. Jt wi!j grat»fv the former stockholdcrs of the Morning Star to hear ?o good a report of their old favonte, af(er all that m prtst ypars has by «o»ne been sard of her poor ; buiSd and niany defects. 13ut the wisdom ot the Prudential Coininutee in deciding to , sell her and procure a new vessel, is fuSlv ; justified ; for the sutn necessary to have repaired her in this expensive port, so far as would have been necessary for the coming three or four years, tog?ther with ihe 84300. 00. in gold, whieh she brought at auction bst Deceitiber, would very neariy, if not i quite .secure an entirelv new vessel, \vith j the r»xperipnce of the past to guide, we inay j \wil hope ihe new ve&sel wiil.be more eeonomieal than the old. \Vasliingtoii CntcAno, July I?9rh.—Congress adjourned | at four o'eloek on S itnrdiy nfternoon after | a continuous ?ession of thiriy hours passing ' n grpat multitude of rneasures. The House ' having relused to pnss the Senate resolution ! n»odifying the test oath to cover the special • case of Senator Patt»rson of Tennessee, the | benate adopted tlio r» s>>!uti >n him ' to be admitti'd, and he w:is ?worn in. Thc Ulaiilie Cabk'. j \ew \ oi>K, July 29 —TUp ioiio\viog d«j- ' spatch has been receivcd from Cvrus VV. | F jeid. " Heart's Content Julv 2Sth. We arrived here nt S o'eloek on Friday mor.;ing. all ! well. Thank God! the eahle has been laid I anif is u» perffct working oriler.'" ) A subsequent despateh, from Mr. Field, i gi\'ing the purticulars of the voyage, says : f " The lrish shorei cable \vas laid on Saturduy i morning, July the 7th. and thc splice for the | oeean cable \vas made on Friday, the 13th, i on board the Grcat Eastcrn. and buried in I ninety-lnur fathoms. distant twent v-seven and I a half miles from Valent»H. The tplegraph | house Great E.istcrn nnd her consorts, at 2 : 10 P. M. Fr»day, the 13th, started for New Foundland., The average speed of the &hip. from the time the spiice \vas mude until \ve ' saw |and, was a liuie less tiian five ISautieal ! miles per hour, and the cabie has been paid ( out at an avernge of five and a lmif miies ! per hour. The total siack \Vas iess than 12 per cent. The \veather h. s been more pleas- ■ nnt thnn l hnve ever known it to be in the ! Atlanlic at this season. The total distance ; run was 1669 miles, and the cable paid out | I.So-i miies. We have been in cor.stant i eommuniealion \vith Vak*ntia since the »plice I wns mnde. nnd have daiiy received news | from Europe. The cable will be open for business in a fe\v days. Af«cr taking eoal | the telegniph fleet will suil for the spot wheie j the enhie was lost iast year, and recover the i etid, and eompieie the second iine betvveen lrelnnd nnd New Foundland. ! The following is President Johnsnn s eon- j gratulatory despatch : i Washington. July 29th. ! To Cyrus W. Field, Henrt's Content : I ; henrtily congratulate you, nnd trust that . your enterprise may prove successful as : your e(Forts have bet-n persevering. May \ the Cabio under the sea tend to protnote har* ! mony between the Repubiic of the VVest and ! the (iovcrnments of the Eastern Hemisphere. Andre\v Joh.nson, (Signed) Presulent, etc. Nb\v York, July 30tb.—No private messages have vet renChed us over the cable. \ The news repnrts nlrendv sent are through • Mr. Field and Mr. Kedpt\th,of the Tribune, j who is on board the Albany ne\vs yacht. The ' distnnc«? to be traversed bv the news yacht, j sniling from Atispy k\y to Port-au-Barque is S0 miics. Latcr lutellis;ciicc\ I He.\rt's Contbnt, July 27th. I Via Anspy B.\y, Julv 29th.—The Londnn ! Tinies of the 27th, says of the telegraph: j "Itis a great work, the giory of the age and nntions, nnd thev who have achieved it ! deserve to be honored as benefactors of their | rnce." | A treaty of penee hns been signed bet\veen ; Austria nnd "Prussia. A previous telegram | snys thnt a five dnvs nrmistice between 5 Austru\ nnd Prussia commenced at noon on ! the 23d. Thcre \vas fighting on the 22nd ; ! the Austrians claiming the victory, A severc engngement took plaee on ihe . 21st, offthe lsland of Lissa; and the Aus- ■ trians claimed the victorj-. They sunk an j ltalinn iron-clad, ran down one and ble\v up , thn?e. Earl Shufrsburv has protested in the house : of Commons against the refomi meetings. | ln tbe d»scuss»on of the tariff bill. Sir ! John Packtngton admitted that England was bchmd othcr nations. Therc hare becn riots tn London on ae- i count of the refusal of the Gorernment to ! allow reform meetings to be held in Hvde 1 Partr.