Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 32, 11 August 1866 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
The htest advices lrom Mei eo , i at San Francisco are 'iv to the Kepublicans. The t*otve« et , Dns and Ftguen>a atv reported to h.M,-> covered posession of ne**r!y nii the S i:-s Uajaca, Chiaps and Vucatan. 'I he Fvcofnmander «t Aeapu.'eo has rt\vg':c.: v * gone home. Generai Sweeny has issued nn adjr the Fen»an Brotherhood in Amenoi. r>l ding h»s conduct during the recen: n::-- ■ to »nvade Cauada. and advisirg ;',r j rvi Americans to complete their mil t-*rv *ntion and prep>ue tor forthrr I » address is dated at St. Alhan» v\"t. . J v 4th. British circles in C;*nada are n.u* ;, * v ercised by the Uank» propo?itiou to .ir. the provtnces to the Cnited S?:itrs. T:. regard it as an attempt to t>u.M up m n nexation party in tho C.ihhJ:>s. Tn,> « su(lic)ent to s>how that the pro^o? : <>n ori> nated at Washington. arul \v;i» m>t tho ro-i t ofanv fecret negeti:it;ons. The Democn»ts have c:\lied « •• N:\t.or. Union Convontion." to meel m Ph\L\delp.:v on the llth oi* A | The circumstantial rrportsofnn ir!>rr*'e-( tinn in Cuba. received lrom varioif» > are now contrndicted. It is ndmittAi t!i.t; &j disturbauce bctween tho troops and cit had occurred. and diflerent explan.itio:,? ar*i fumished ; but the story of a genenl rvu t wilh ehiiean support. is denied. Th ,ts \i pitv. We trust tiie report »s at le.ist an n H ticipation of the cvcnt. | The ndvices from Eumpe ;ue eoiiikn 1 of a great victory by the PrnsMnn« «<ver i Austnans. The hattle u» Hohem i tinued for twelve houis. General Hin. i; A cotnmanded the Austrians, aml the I*r i s \vere led by their Kiug. Iu the i.ir'y of the eng.igement tho advantape w.isu,-i the Anstnnns, but the tide soon lume.i, 1 in the latter part of the day they wer«' >n ī i rout. Up to the evening of Ju!y 4th, v Prussians c!aimed to huve eaptuuii l l |j i wounded prisoners. 11(> einnon aiul flags. Three Anstrian Arehdukrs iv» n ported to have been wounded mul two Prm, o made prison«*rs. After the b.ittle, the Ar,v trians sent a flag of trucetn the l'ri.i>vt!> and have nccepted Napo!eonV oli' r»'t t i <: < tion for peaee, eeding to thnt digmt.uy t ■ niee litrle territory of Venetia, wh ; : wanted for diplnmntie purpoNos. Tl,i» m rial trickst( r has opened eommunieaiion w . the Kings of Pru*sia and ltaly m oni' : • obtain an armi.»tice. Their replv h»v • t been received. Gnnb.ildi hns takvn »n •-•■• l part iri the work of war. He nttai lū ii • | An«t»rian« nr Mf»ntrMU'|o. U lio liy.i ri\v resisted. Garibaldi wa.s wounded m the t!\ nnd his troop;« {• II haek in go«»d .«rd.-r. I', ~ is regarded in Eumpe as having been \ tua(ly coneluded. Lnte Congressional pmceedings nre • : : gratifying chnracter. Althnugh the l'p»dent • sunimarily vetoed the Fm«'djn' - Hureau bill, reiternting his old nb]«'ct •>•■> and stating thit the pre*ent Humau w..•,. i be in operation until tiie nexi s> <: Congress, hoth hou»es pnssrd the hii! < \ r his head within three hours nfter the rn - of the veto in the House. The vote m t•■■• Hou«e was 103 to 33. and in the Sen:it«» X\ to 12, majorities suilieient for all us» !'u; <• we)l ns con.stitutionai f»ur{>osej». The Utiited States Senate hns pns>' , il i joint resolution relieving the China .Mv Steamship Company from their obliu'atioii stognt Honolulu, but rrqniring them to m» >.«• thirteen, instend of twrlvc trips, nnnnn v, and nppropriating $00 000 to eMahli-h n !m--of steamships betvveen Sin Francisco ! Honolulu. The same bodv hns meonimiM' ! the Northern Pacific Kailroad b«fl tn th<- I'l- - Kailroad Committee. The H<uise. im regard to the Kous*eau ond (rrinno!l «tii:r. adopted a resolntion to reprimand Kou9sran by a vote of nyes to UO n»»e>.