Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 27, 7 July 1866 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

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English Column.


fhe Bat,k- ot 3f<>J i;3s rji*e-J its rzt*> of irt«ert-st ior advat,C'-s on stock to tw» iv?» ' P*rcent. Ll-;t- :nr.:Gc-n)i Wia.leiū Sc»nt <iied .\hiy !dif;n, ihe C j .'t cr»:isioo«'. Coinrr;;f:e'f at te.<?£raj- n th::t lhey h-ixc ; th« jcvc-s.iicr-.tior» <-f the b-t- nor. 31;i. CJ:ibert. «m t0 .Memphi* by Gen. Hovvard" Kas m-;de a j»rti-ii rt[--oīt t Vtyjfcg the csvi; authorsties did not the siigatest notice ot the terrtb:e riot?. r«nd seem to regaoi them ns ,v 1 tr> !''y a $kiri!ii*. l i betw»;?.>n the pohee an<,i ■ the rietrry{s. It ivas ciiivd.a vciy one sitied ' skirmi.«h, aj, from ihe tei(jir»r.Dy % oo tesistance tiiade bv t r \negroes afterthc first fighr. Tr»e citizens had be«n advised to boid n m<?etine to denoun:e the .cottducf of the moh, but triey nen;iected or rcfust'd ta do so. i rhe pap o rs priuted at iMemptus are at tue : : root of the whole p>atter. Thev ha.ve adto- ' r;ited troub;i? for Hionths, and thts js onlv the • ; legitimate resu!t of their infl.itnrt»atnry and ! itieendiary arficSes. The botttbardment <;fi : \ ul[>aruiso r had been ncticcd \vitli itidigna- ; tion, but the nction of the British Adtniral ; was defonded and fuliy endorsed bv the Government. The Eng!ish pross and people roundly denoupce the nct of 6'pniu. An indignntion meēting heid nt Liv»rpool nc!opted reso!utions expres?in? c;ratitude fur t'.e exvr- 1 liotis of Cocrimodore l'ogers. T!ie King ot j Prussia neee'nii)- made a sp?ech to the Kepre?ontatives of the Protestant Church. savin£r: , " I lnve not ftvored exi.-ting comp!u:at'.ons. but th«u - e arc situations in whieh peaee c;tn- : not p"ssih!y bs nnunwineU, unless \ve are wi!!ing to accept peaee at anv terms. I hnve the full cousciousness of my grave respousi-. ; bility before God aud mv countrv, but i sha!i i pursue with perftct <;onfidence the woy by . , whieh God has i)een ple«sed to conduct ine."' | The Missiouary Bot\rd having sold the ; first Morning btar, the m!ssionary p;<.cket. ! i in preferenc.e to repajring her, eall upon the I : children of Amen'ea to contribute S 13.000 to

; builcl another. The ol«i boat sohi for 54,000, and the npw one will cost 817,000. Dr. 1 j Trertt, the Secretary of the Boani, nsl»s tiuit; | special contributious be mvuie in the Sabbith - schools for thiss purpose ou the second S;\b- i : badi in June. - 11 is propose<i to issne share : certificates of stoclc (froin a steel plate en- j ! graved for the purpose) to nll who shall give \ i a dime or ir.ore. And it is nlso proposed to ; | seud, for every flve shares or dimes,an illus-! ! trated liistorv of the fw?t Moniing St>,r. | i This littie book is to be prep!\retl by JRev. M. : ; Binghau>, Jr M now in Americā for his i henkh, who sailed from Bo?ton m tho fir<t; j pncl;et, nnd who hopes to s:»ii in tl»'i sccond. • I The funcr;\l of Uieuteoant Goneral Scott. | i at West Point, June 2d, was l:irgelv ntten* | ded by distinguished army nnd nnvy"officers,' | Congressmen, dslegations, etc. Tho Episcoj pal burial service was rend, witho'.a any j nddress, by •Chaplain French nnd Bishop - j Potter, nml the remnins buried with suit:»h!e ; ! militnry hnnors. The dnv w;is eeneraliy i | observed throughout the country. Tbere.has; | been n Peuinn. invnsion of C:\nndn duving i the p;ist week', but the nccounts of it nre very J coofiictif»g. ft is nt ienst snfe to snv thnt! | the Feninns got the worst of it. Thc project ; ! of invasion wns cOnceived by one of the Fo-; I niun fart»ons nnd c\xecuted ngainst the wi?h ' I ot Stephens, the " Head Center." The U. : i S. Govevnment seeins to have ncted in good ! fnith in the matter, and hs»ve uscd nil diii-' ! gence, wiien informed of the troubie, to prc-i | serve nentrnlity. lt drciincs. hnwever, to' give up the Fenian ; prisoners it took, into' ! the iiands of the C.\nndinns The British ' stenmer Union had nrrivcd in New Vurk '■ with 15 cnses of eholem. on bo-vfd. lt hnd ; lost 33 passengers on the voynne. Twentvfour negroes were kiiled in the Memf)his riot. ! The St.ite Depnrttnēnt hns received ndvi«; | ces from Mndeirn thht thous\mis of honest,: ■ hard weruing li\borer«i of that islnnd nre! ; dcsirous of ediigratii)g to this conntr\\ but : ! hnve not the menr,s of doing s<>. Uur Consul : nt Funchnl stntes th;it if n p īrt of their p:is- ; : s »ge money shouid be r.dvaneeel to thern bv i ]\nTfies irt this country, m iei-.st 10.000 oī ; : them wouUl be prepnnni to lenve imme iintely. Withn few unimportnnt nmendments, the Senate pjissed the Mouse biii providioir for i tiie coinnge of five ceut pieces. The biii j i re(|nires the witlulniu;tl f { om oiroulntioii oi ' the thrce niul live ccnt postal curre;icy. i The mammoth iron cl;id Xarthumhtr!and ; hns nt length been suecessf»)ljv humched nt | Ulnokwnll. The vnrious nttempts to aeeom-, ; plish this occ»pied exnct!y n month, nt a cost I of more th«n S 100.000. The bill openiog the puhlie lnrtds of Aln- ; Uanm. Mississi|>jii, Asknnsns, nnd Floridn to : settlenient under the Homestead Law. w th- • out regnrd t« color. nnd extending the bene-, ; iiti of this nct to the late rehe!s who tnke the ; th of futnre niieginnce, was dvhited and | passed. j It is estimnted that 18.000 eiephnnts nre | yearlv killed to supply Stietiield aione with j ivory. I Brighnm Young is $ntd to have 10.000 | nien tn L'lnh enpaUe of hennne «rn\<.