Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 25, 23 Iune 1866 — English Column. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
[illegible] Congress for a f.f ;.vo «pr>afcrs and ihree . , . • . inv»:stigate the opf'rationa , /- F> ir« aa. The \vhi«kev and . . a!cnof»t d.ft 4 ily rep- . r .. \V,iy and Mean.« Comf Mu«ic, Lutheran • i, ; i C ili'. and other boildings . .. ; ! Mre on ihe night oi .May ' : , (';> p ntng public !ands of Ala* • . ArUansas, and Florida, • t s i r> home5tpad law with- , ai.d fxtendiiig tbe bene1 , , . f< 'ate rfU'ls who take the r ,r .i !■ has pas«<?d Con- ) <i»K. Coopor Post-Surgeon . ' 1 ,.!,r • . p-p'»rts on « inedical ex- ., J :i. D.iv;s, that he is ror»5fder- •.,< ;nid his nc:rvous svste?n -. ii. The tramp of sentinel . • . ;i i ? iiiv.ir.ahlv awake him. i'i. aneia! pinie in Enclnnd. ol one coinpnny aU.me. whieh to S60Oe.O.OOU. e .ll-io .; !,1 bv t!)e fleet un the . !i r«-!i.1 liiv iisc«*rt;iicied that npp!i« .. (. ■'•!i ma'i»', and are now pendmg . ,, ; v ex-n»embers «>f the (• (»ne hundred and t!iirty-.[.-0 \V(-t Point. t»ut wiio served 1; . 1 .r :»y ; one huridred and twentyj; . , (i, !,»*ra!s. i!icludiiig Br.»g£< L»ugi; ..;-■. wani, an.i s»*veral of the Lees ; r. ■!. :-a(» proinine»t ex-lvehel nOieuil?. , i,!,!nir'd and sixteen ex-United :;j. . wh<» ht-!d po.-itions in the Kehei : . i!!''':t! panie in EnplanU eulniinallhh and 11 th of Mny, nnd wa» i- .! tin' s!?verest that had occurred !««u lien a general smash was ! v tli»' rcsun»}ition of sj>ecie payments .■ ■ni.«fi'(pient fall of prices. Tiie panie .1 to L»verpool, Mnnchester und GlasI prerautionary measures were fv to prevent a run ou the couutry Tae (.J(»vcrument eame to the relit-f lianli oi Ei»g!and of» the 1 lth by susU' the ci»arter anil authori'/.ing an extra i papt'r, whieh will enahle the hauU to 1 ,uMne>s tinus to we.uher tiie storm. of iossiv by the deprcciatton iriti« s nud t!ie iall of prices reaches an i'hm: iiuure. Ij..'fch de!)ven*d by Nnpoleon at Auxfin wiiieh he bold"ly »vowed thnt he »sted the treaty of the work of i.|y Ailianee. \vas construed at Paris . "|tiiijr that Franee would takea h..nd sv.tr, causrd a pnnie. on the Bourse, l)tnl< of France advnnced the rote i i»unt. Tiie iu u»ediate interierence of !• on is n*>t probable, but it is now innniht l'rus?ia aud ltaly nre ncting in L«r,vi(h the Mmperor's views of desirable ; < iii the euiip of Eorope. ■ nrmy was massed on the ; readv lor nctu»n. Austria h»d called i rcserves aini iier peoplo are snid to i «t tii;ht. \Ve have uo meulion of a i, »1.. iaratioti of wnr. An uttempt wns . m iiss tssinate Coiint Von Bismnrck, 'i mi'- .\linister, but the nssnssin missed i.ir)i inil subsequently eomrnitted suic,ide. ;s def sted by the Libernl party of nnd heUl responsibie by the i.l' the ininor States for the war. h.r a has been foreed to put nn end to •.M»rceiuent ol Mnxiiuiliun by Austrian i',.: MotU y our Minister, threatened »•." V lenna il "the voluntecrs were ullowi- tv.« Trieste and tne lmpenal Govern- ; .i,sbanded them. This will be b.id ; r tho adventurous prince in the City •A .',>.
r ! iho rcntinont \ve have pneille r«mors :i»l" !* Kuropeun but the i: lor wur procceil on a v;>st so!ilo. ! )s said to hiwo 900.000 men utulor i ,mkl lu*r nrrangt , uu , nts tor thc defenso i ,v moluile gunhoats. torpeiiocs nml a " il a:irrison. 'i he fleet hi\<l n Uf »a : osMion in tlu« Adriatic» c>pposite > ,s! iho reiulezvous of the hahnn lleet. i.i;y » t alliaiu'e h«il hoeii eoneluiU'il bea ī"r\>s>i;\ niul ltaiy. No collision hns v - ;r, ( !. A run.or thnt Kussin hnd in-. r i i.'i (he ol peaeo is eontrn« |\iris juiirnaL"j hnve t>oon \varued y•: th,\t llu* l'n?neh Oovernment is [: t. <r \v.»r.