Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 24, 16 June 1866 — English Column. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
The United Slates Circui: Co-n of Vir- • g:nb ronrened May 7ih. C*JostKe t f Chase decliaed to pres;de martial Uw : I wa3 abrn*rited jn the Sute. Gen. Heaure- ; £prd .\or*h. raj?;ng money for fhe Jackson I naii/wl, of wf>ich he is Pre?ident. It is i , toat negotiations have heen coa«!uded | | wnh the Mex:can r.nnister *n Washington. ; lor ihe re-SsĪoa to ieadine American oapitAi- \ ; »s'«. oTnearly the entire peninsuia of Lower * : Ca!iforr»ia. Tt«e S+?nate p?«ss-=d the House i re?olutjon <:ongratu!at!pg ti;e Emperor of , | Kussia on hjs e-eipe fro:n assassination. i Mr. Nye commented sev<?relv on the Presi- ! denta poiiew He Siid thai he would have i I five or ?\x rt The biii reported i by t!»e K' i con?tructiun ConvTiittee, proposing ; amendments to the Constitu'ion. passed the ' House by a vote of 12S to 37. every Repub- | liean except Sma!l. of Kentucky. and Phelps • ; pt Maryand. voted aye. Gen. Fisk lias or- I derec! the rebui!din<j- of ihe church and • houses belon£jing to colored people in Mein* \ I pbis, Tenn., m ine iate riot, at t?ie expense { [ nl r,e city. Tiie Merchanrs* National Bjnk, | | -New \ork. has lai!cd. The b:Il creating ; j the rank of General, passed the House with | | oniy e!even dissenting votes. lt is estimated ! ! that 5700.000.000 worth of merchandise was ; I so 'd throuph brokers in Xe\v Y'ork last vear. ! The Charleston Courier reports thnt 3.200 ; I freedmen have emi!, r rated from North Caro- ; j lina, dunnfj the last three montns, Massa- ' | chusetts, Connect:cut, and the other New | i England States, on contracts to work at $20 j | per month, and that more will follow. j j rhe Tvcoon has sent seven young Japa- j j nese to Russ:a to leam the lar.nuage and to : j study naval and miiitary science. : ! Valparaiso has been bombarded nnd laid I j in ruins, by the Spanish fleet. It is estima- ! i.ted that sonie 83.000,000 worth of propt rty ! is destrovod, nearly ail uf whieh belonged to | ! Engiish, Amen'ean. and other foreirrn merJ chants. The Spaniards drew close in shore, j witliin 1.200 yards of the to wn to save all : j trouble in aiming. The (oreign vessals in j the harbor made no show of interfering. ! Hyacinthe, the great Paris preacher, ! who has beOn recent!y attracring so mueh attention by his disoonrse?, !ias been silenced lor u time on account of euiogies on the institution of the United States. It is reported thnt ne hns been sent bnck to !iis convent. The United States l!ag?hip Vanderbilt atid monitor :irrived in the harbor of Pannma on t!ie evening of the 12th, having left Callao on the 3d inst. By these ves?els we lmve news of the bombardinent of Callao and its result. The action cominenced at noon from the • shore batteries.'the fire being returned by the Villa de Madrid. and Elanea, from tlie nonh, and the Numa/iein, Resohttion, nnd Alamanza, on the south. The Viila de Mudrid and Berungla weie so badly dainaged early in the fight that they wete obliged to withdraw to San Lorenzo, und \vere after\vards fol!owed hy the Numaneia nnd the rest of the /leet, n]l more or less damaged. The Spanish Adm:ral ISunez is said to have been badly wounded. During the fight Senor Galvist, Secretary of VVor, \vas,killed hy an explosioh of a battery. The fight lasted till 4 o'eloek in the ahemoon, when it terminated l)y the \vithdrawai of the Spanish fieet. Very little dainage was done to Callao. Only a fe\v hundred dollars worth of property was destroyed. Ten Peruvians are reported ki!led nnd wounded. Nothing reliable has been heard of the loss in the Spanish fleet, but it is sypposed to be heaw.