Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 23, 9 Iune 1866 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

English Column.


«p not colmtnate4 in a £»nernl conflagranon <A n?gro qu3r*vers, and the kil- & oi 6fieen negroes by tbe n«ob. The negroes, becoming exasperated. attempted to secure arrn» from Fort Pickering. bi:t were warmd off r Probably 1,500 b.acks *vere assembied in South Street, when startiing rumors reached the city that thev were prePjr ,r »g to march on ihe town burn it. This was the signai fora general ouipouring of low whites, who pillaged gan 8tores nnd rushed do\vn South Street, "headed by the Mayor. 15 or 20 negroes and one whue man were kiiled t and the uegroes fled to the woods, leavin{j mony wounded. The Pres»dent has o(ficial!y proclaimed the Conrention between lhe £a>peror of Japan and the Governments of the LJ»ited States, Great Britain. France, and Holland' providing fnr the payment by Japan of 3.000, 000 indemnity for the damngr e ( 0 our shīppiriff and the stoppape of trnde in the Straits °f Simonousky, by tne hostile aelion of the Pnnee Satsuma, whieh the Tycoon could not prerent, but it ls »greed that in lieu of money. tbe Tycoon may open Simonousky, or other ports in the inlanel sea whieh the above-named Governments inny accept. The reconstruction Commit(ee of Congress hnve agreed on a report. Representation is to be bascd on populalion. Any State denving sufTrage to any of its citizens is to have its representation reduc*ed. Active rebe!s wiil be virtually disfranchised. These changes nre to be made a part of the Con.*titution, nnd rebresentntives from dislnyal St .tes are to be ndmitted when said amendrnents have been nitifipd. The report was ngreed to in Cornmittee by a vote of Y2 to 3. M. Drouyn deLhuys, early in Januarv. addressed Mr. Bigelow on informal note, saying: " In Mexico we hope to obtain, before long, the guaranties whieh we have soi»ght, aud whieh are to romp!ete our llnal arra»)gements wiih the Emperor Maxnnilian ; at that moment the njission of our troops will be nccomplished, and theycan return to Frnnce. I \\rote in this sense to Mex»co, by order of the Emperor, on the tenth of January."

Hoikk a na Komite o na Hana Hou no ka Ahaolklo Hi*i o Ameimka. Oka hoike nna Koniite o na Hana Hou, ua like loa, a ua holo hoi me ke kue ole ia e ka hapanui ; a penei no ia : Ojkela mokuaina keia mokuaina e hoole nna i ke koho balota nna o na nika, e hooemiia ko lakon mau Lunamakaainana. O na kipi a pau, e Inweia aku ko lakon mnu poinnikni mai o lakou aku, O keia mau hoololi, e hooioli ia i npnna no ke Kumukanawai; a o na Lunnmnknniniina i kohoia mai na mokuainn iokahi ole o ka inanao, ua ne ia lakou e kamailio i na wa n pau e hooiain ia ai na hooioli. Ua hooholo lokahiia ka hoike n ke Komite, ma ka ue ana o 12 poe, a kue 3.

He H aUnakle ma Mi:mapisa. He haunaele nui nv\ na wnhi a pnu o na negero e noho nna ma Memapisa, Tenesi. a ua pepehiia he 15 poe oia uno e keknhi poe mu. Ke kunahihi nei na negero, n ke hoao nei e lawe i nn mea knun mai Papu Piknrina mai, nka, ua hoopau waleia. Un kokoke paha e umikuninmalimn haneri negero i akoakoa ma kekahi alnnui i Im wa i loheia ai ka haunaele ina ke kulanakuuhale, un makaukau lakou e hele nku imua i ke kukmnkauhnle, a, e puhi aku ike nhi. oka loaa iho la keia n ka poe haole kipikipi, kn poe hao wale i na hale waiwai. kahi i hooahuia ai na inea knun, n lnwe nku lakou me ka holo nku hoi imun, ma ke nlnkai nnn a k;« Meia (Alayor) He 15 a 20 paha negero i niake, a hookahi kannkn keokeo i make.