Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 22, 2 June 1866 — English Column. Telegraphic. [ARTICLE]

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English Column.


Im ,M :, 4.—li» Uie Ser>ate. on Wfd-1 ■ .S.;vr.rvui ir.trouaced a biil to ( Kn .ti'>a;tl dc-bt. excc*pt green- ® H) • . r v y»':ir«, in a five per cent loan. I K • "r ;;i t.iX';tion, ii)CtU<iing ihe tax | K, • } tneVfroin. Mr. Sberni.ui | Br : r-.te ct" inte will not oniy { H ; .' !,v of (lie t.«x (<n revejjue. p K : r a s;n'king lund to go far| ■ - , v:ii<-nt oi the princ ; .|'n!. | ■ i ,:.v> the bi.i rc'g-'irding | K. ,•.•■« N'*v.uji. by Hicljdit>g- por- j> I i i Arizona, «o th :t .V*vad t|j B «q« re uiiie*, Utah SS, | Kv)ny I.—ln the Sen.-ite Mr. 1 ■. • n rhe PiieiHo Hn»lrond Co(Mniit-1 K, : : ! m !«! '-!{ r''S()liitiun to ihe | Er •. ; t!»e firM 100 mi!#-aof| Bt r m the S'7th of Ju(ie !S6O. I ■i. ; in comt»and of our! m\ . , s"<-u.s vtry anxious to S ■r. <■( ?):oov.nz vvifh the Sp;inish S Kd- 'i t im iin hour vvith the monitor | K) ;r" '•• ■•irring <iui!y ut quarantine,| w. ;!' ir liom dtolera. The N. Y. I p- , <i i- L r uion held a caucus nnd 8 1... ;i *•' rtun courses \vith referonce 1 ■!. i: A majority wii.s not 1 |!, i!) for universnl sulir;u;e. A | |r . d- str»:yi tl m Detroit by nn eXI;' Mjīhnon hoird. A gr'.-;it panie b ;:j-' e.uiinu'n-ial worid of Ennl.nu], » rll. hut Arnerican .st-cunties |! -j!od, eiihcr thcre or h» rt\ li h> • ui tij.it ;in ntten»pt h»« heen m;ule II"' Mitiis to ionui,niratf» n eonll'.ei with ,!ms. vvh:ch h;is f;iilcd. Th''V <ire |( i ::m :r r. turn ns tiie veter.ins ot L- »| i«'dy. Mrs. Jeir. D;ivis hitrf (crp t.t vi>it h» r hushind at Forin'sa I' it will he »liovved h»in l<> vi.sit| ū >l . ,, -t ' '."ineol i.f the puhiie dtht ;shows * 1'•: "0 ol s:.\ n»iliioius »n A|»ril. The S !<•>; !* (;<■" lK'iweon Sccrrl;try Sevvard i L i);-.»'iyn d« 'liliMys, wilh r«-{Vrcnco fo * bo i!li(rs, is |joblis!ied. lt is Hinie.ihie. f| t;.• < iu lio-' expre<.sed resohition ol tht* \> (lnvt rnioeot to withdraw fro»n »\iexi- g *fi" Term.'ssee Le<jislaturo has rel.j?'ed S )!(., r,s <euts. hv i\ vote ot d'J to 1S i*ii t Johnson has tuude noother dama- | p' eeli (t<> liimself) in wiii.-h hf> * iurse oi !;t'» >t• o|>po.<od t<> his policy. jj 1.tlS(» n»iide a hnel' re<vion>e to n color- * (I that vvns eelehmhni; the Einanei- » \' t. Onefhunl{ed hien f"r!»is promise | ie l're9ident rep!ied : " Yes, my ouui, 3 ii liud out in the lony run, who is f i'i'iul, find I havt* alwiiy>' trieil to he 6 To thia ihe netro replied : •' Ivx«hi»c S . l'p'Milenl, hut I hope you w.ll do !»■■■ 11er l>v us herenfter llian you have me" ,\ir. A. 11. Stephens has testi>re t!ie Hecotistruction Comn»iftee of 11 e hel<! th.it tho Southern Slates " "f ti.»'ir ne-htN hy relvllioi>. w True," ■ • Ei-aiiii* hut the nMs in them jji fh»'ir r/i;hts. <\rcept tkc righl tobe kan- % :ie prt>spects o! the Norttiern Paeilie 1 l'.iil are bln»hiod. Mons. A. Alhert. |r M-evenreil hy i:jlinnity ol age fn>m I [).• as the Eoih.issagor fron» | '< i-ii [>-'t»j»le to .\lrs. l/ineolu, for $e I ' f tnm ,; miffinf>' fhe tmld met!al in e .'or,»tion (»f lj»neoln's dei\tl». 1 t .1 deeid:d to loi'wanl the same to S ! •'.■• ;.»ry o!" State. the Amene ui K i t l'aris. The Moum» passed the '■• l'.ill f<»r ;i tole<:r.iph h:»rween the Stues aml Cuhi. ('oloiiulo has ; ;• :•::itted to the si>terho»»d of Stutes. 1 ' Juatvz. wife of pres<dent Juarez, • \l"\: v -;tn Kepuhlie, has nrrived in * i. e,;ton, nud is the guest ot" Senor lvo- | f- t i : > :vre air-'ndy at hast 500 npplican{s I i;';-omt:n'Mits ;»s Uuuited Statt:s Com- I Ii». n. rs to tio* l'ah* Exposit ; .on of !Sj7. f V e( ihem p-irties interesU'd m | iii;p : .eii>ents w!iic!i ure to he <m exhibt* l r»:i t no', one io tweuty ah.'e to under- [ l! or -peak a word of the French t