Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 21, 26 May 1866 — English Column. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
Telegraphic. i A r?sembiiag nftd*rp*si bas apalong tne Pau.-īma rii:r.>ct3. Tr c* W DepTr;£TfCn: <I,r--.:t- the r out ofall lj'i! t\vcnty regi-n<:nti of co!r/r*.".i troops. G?n. , Mea lo aiii' st«fThiv<? qone to E'i>tport, Me., to look after tne Fernarrs. C. L. Clay has been re'eas-:<i «n pr»role. Tr»srty ship> leū Liverpooi for New Vork i» the monih oi' Murcn. brine'.n£: 10.000 >teerpassengers. The P;iciti<." l\.\i;r"-i'i t;as cornp'e?ed t»vonty-three mi!e* west ol Topeka. Aw,mi« f«>r tf«e irre>t of Booth have heen di%itied. Dete-tivo Baker gets a good shfire. The .V".v \ ork has pas«ed the Niak'ani Ship Can:ii h il. Lut wiiii ainendm»ntā that eMVo!«iaiiy kiii it. The s»tcaa : fr Engltnid iv:nrh arrive.{ nt reports H0 her hy ship fever. Ti»oro nre stiii L'o,ooo freedinen in the Di.s:rict oi" Coiumh;a ; iiiore thu» iwiee as rn ifiy as c.»n be empioyed there. a'jd Gen. Mo\v;»rd wantH pl itH-s for them either at the Nonli or t!ie South. Gen. floward has ord«:rt'd aii of then\ to eiean and wtiitewa>h th eir iiouses. and keep thetnseives in a ri«?an and heahliy co»idition ; and he tells ihoue who rtfuse opportunities to work, that thev wili not rni:,-h ionger K- C. J ou L. r ovenmieiit
rations. Dr. Cuilen. Cnthoiic hishop of lreland. thuB pre?v;ril>?3 for the e itt!e piag-ue; " I recominend the e.ieii dav, oi the prayers pesti|f.-nc f *, whieh are fjutid in all prayer hooks, or tl,o?e contained in the mi>sal. J wouhl a!.so recominend them to get tiic ir p:\rks anil tieids hiess:ed with prayers i:i thf" Roinau ritual, iuul a!so to erect on 111e)r land.s, and keop them in their (hvejiii)-\s, in the hope that this en)b!ein of the triumph of Ciiris: over his enemies may piit to fli£fht the powers of darkness, nml pre.<erve us i'rom their wicked inAuenee." Sirenuous et!orīs are being made in Cub."\ to revive ihe slave tr;nU, whieh for some years past h;is hi en deelining\ Tlie Captain General i.> siid to have sent in his resignation, heine d!ssatisried with a decree of the C{>ionial Aljni.st< r at Mndrid conrerning the nej:roes captured'frou> .slave expeditions. The New Vork Tribunc say.s the Navy Depariinent is ahout orpinizmg s«juadrons for the South Paeilie and lndi an Oceans—the former of sovon vesse|s, \vith the Pensacola as ll;i'_r-s|ii(i, and the l;itter nf fivo vessels. The te.legraph furn:shes Kastern ndvices !o the Uoth of Aprii. (lionoine, or nitroglycerine, is the calamitous sensation of the dav, on ttie Atlantie side nf the continent, as well as on the Paeihe eoast. Bv the arrival of the stearner Arizona at New Vork inl'onnation was received of an rppalling disaster »t Aspinwall. c >nsed l>y this perilous eompouml. The ste imer l'iui'epean, whieh had a quantity of ihe h|nsting oil on hoard, shipped fro/D Liverpool, was destroyed hy an explosion on ihe i'hli, three days hefore the explosion at »San Francisco. Fifty persons, inchiding the Capt iin aud ether oliieers of the ship, were ki;!ed. Ahout fonr humlred feet of the whnrf, helouginjnr to the Panama Railroad Company was destroyed. 'i'iie total h>ss of property is fs - tiniated at 000,01)0. These terrihle explosions mduced Mayor Hoil'man of iSew Vork to instruct the Fire Marshal to seize all of the nitro glycerine thnt cou!d he found in the city or on the shipping in the harbor. Co!onel Bur.stenhiuder, fonnerly commander ofau Ohio regimenf, has heen arrested Jor shippitig the hi.isting oil to Cahforuia. Thv rewards oiVered for the apprehension of Wilkes Booth h.ive been divided, by order of the \V;ir Departfner>t, ainong the iletectives aiui soldiers wh<> traced the assassin and sent him to his tiual account. Auother person who vvas wonnded by the explosion <>f niiro glycerine nt San Fracisco is dead. This makes a total of twelve deaths cansed bv the ca!amitv.
The Ohl \Voritl is in a fever of excilement, ln Eng)au(l n vi£orous n'l'onu ngit uion is in |)ro<rn > sA\ Gladstune ileliveretl t\vo briiliant iuul iibtT;i 1 s()c«-vhes nt Livfrpt>ol, enlogizīnqtlu» poj>ular institutions of Americn. nml der!arin<r that tho .Mmistry woulil stnnd nr 11 hy the Reibrni bi 11. The estimate o{ the Miuisterial |xirty is thnt ihe majority lbr the hiil in the Hou>c u ill < .\oeetl tvvenly. Ou the continent, the qunrivl bet\veen Prussia {irid seems to render wtir mevitnble. The iniuor Stutes ot" Gernvjuiy »re ar<ning. Tho nttituJe oi Prussia is unoo(npromismg\ Franee «s exoteil. nnd it is nepiin nsserte<l thnt an army of ol>sorvation will be nssembled nenr the frontier. The Moniteur nmiounees »he eompleiion of nrran«roments for wiihilrnving the French troops from Mexieo. The »nfeeted steamer England h;is arrived fro:n H!ilifax, and the .<teamer Virginia has «};?o arrived wnh rboJem on boanl. There are >eventy-three eases on the hospital ship at (]uaro»)tine. Thrce cascs of eholem are reported as far inh;nd as Cincinnaii. These spor.uiie eases usually her.»id the advent of the fearful epidemic. 'H?* Aia ina ka Okana o Co!uracbia ma Amerika Huipuia, he 25.000 tausani poe negero i hookuu nnle ia, ua oi papaiua ae ia helu inamua o k \ poe i ttoohanaia malaila, a ke makemake nei o Gener»la Haowaka e hoonoho i.\ lakou ma ka~ Akau ama ka Hema paho. Ua kauoha aku o Gen. Haownka ia lakou e hoomaemae. a e hamo i ka puna i ko lakou mau hale. a e hoomaemae. uo ho? īa lakou iho'ma ke ano maikai; a ua hai aku no hoi oia i kn jv>e hoole \ ka hana i ka wa kaawnle, aōle laknu e haoai mau ia aku e ke Aupuni. Ka waka olklo. O ka hnna ana oka waea olelo hon i hoomoeia a\ mai Beritama a hiki i Nu Poonalani. ke holo nei. a e hiki nna paha i ka hookahi h»neri inile i ka pule ke hoomoeia. Alua hoao ana iho nei maunia i keia hana, a elua no i ka hiki ole, a o ka waea e hana ia oku ana i ka maiama'e 0 [ulai * hiki mai au*. ua manaoia, he Waea 01 aku ia o ka pan ti me k;\ maikai.