Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 20, 19 May 1866 — Telegraphic. [ARTICLE]
There :s a greac coi;te>t goinc on u>r Senator m V. 1.. the Legi«luure is ai n deadh\'k. Tne Pres. : -Jen! has proc'aimed a treatv ol p»jaee w:th the Bi3ck*fboi and Dacotah IndiAns, by whieh they agree to w;thdniw trom the route ot the overiand staces. bv the paymenl of 87,800 annuai!y, lor twentv years. The imports for January nnd February. reachtd the enormous 000/ 00. The Komnn Cjti)e!:cs are to have a P!enarv Uouneil in Ha f timore. the Sundav ot next October. The special eleetiou for twenty one members oi the Tennes>e-: Legi?(at ; uc, resu!ted favor.«b!v to the Cons- j rvatives. near!y a!f the boīt:nmemK»r? being re-e!ected. ln the late Connecticut e!-?ction. Uen. Ha\viey. the candidaie oi the Repuh;icans, was e!ected by a very e ean vote. The President has issue-d a procbmation deeii'.ring peaee in the States !ate!v m rebeīiiou. G-orye F. Kdmonds. ol' Ver:i.ont, has gīven a:i entrrtainment to Mndam Juartz. wife oi t!ie Mex;ran Pres;dent. A!exander H. Stcvcns is in Washington. Gen. Hurnside is elec.ted Governor of Khode Llaud. Another oppo>it;on line of ?teamships to C.»!iiurnia, fr-m New Vork, is said to tv maturing, a!.d the Nicarvrrtia ronte wiii be 2:reatiy improvod bv t'no shtp-builder Webb. The New \ ork Tim>;s is said to !>? t!te only pndtssed]y Kepiib!ican najer whioh supports the Pres"'tWut as against the civd Kights Biii. The Civil Kights Bi!i Ik«s passed over the Presideut's vcto, amidst tiie wi!dest enihusias;u. Senator Lane, of Kansas, Dooiittie of Wisconsin. Johnson and Wrigiit were ihe nominu!iy Kepuhiiean Senators who voted against the hiii. There are great rejoicini:s in manv parts of the country over the passage of the Civii Rioht's Biiioverthe President's veto. Mueh sutfering nnd destitution nro reported in many partsofthe South. The Tennessee Legis!ature has re-assembled with a \vorking majority lor t'ne radicais of oight iffeml>wrs. The vote on thc J * Civil Riahis Bili" in the
Hou>e ?tood, ayes, 119 to noes. 39. Tiie N. V. Tribune iuis appearcd īn a new and en!arireJ form. President Johnsop has inade statements by w;jy of limitation of lns proclamation of peaee ; it does not restore the hnbcas corpus. Gen. Grant ha? been fmcd for fast driving in Washington. The \Visconsin Legisiature, by a strict party vote, ■have requested Senator Doolitt!e to resign, Quantrell, thc murderous Kansas guerrilla. has been brought to Washington, identified bv Senator Lane and other people from the State, and will be taken to Kansas for trial. Several conferenoes have taken plaee between Secretary Seward and Sir Frederick Bruce, tlic British Ministernt W r ashington, on the subject of Fenian movements, and the lntter has heen assured that no violation of the ncutrality la\vs will be permitted. A proclamation will be proinptly isstied on the itrs:t attempt to violate the neutrality la\vs, \vaming all engaged of the consequetices. The Mormon officials in Utah Territory, will probah!y be removed. The Secretary ot the Trcasury has appointed t\vo prominent Gentiles of Salt Lake as Assessor and Collector, in plaee of two poiygamists who have heI«1 thcse oflices. The Ainhama Senate has tabled a bill to incorporate w!iite lnborandland companv. for fear foreign paupers would be introduccd.