Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 17, 28 April 1866 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

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English Column.


The funerai ei Senstor Foot. of Vermont, wn? heid in the Senate Chamber, Washing--ton, March 20th. Tweive thousand acres of iand hare been taken up at Kos«burg, Oregon. during ihe monih of January, by actoai »HPttiers. Smce the mail servtce was resomed in the South?rn States. the receipts of the Depanmeiii been far behir.d the ext)enses. The May interest on ihe 5-20 bonds wili be poid ear!y in Apr:l, amounting to $22.000, 000 in gold. The Canadians have reduced thetr armv to 10.000 men. The pbpers East Bre divided in their sentiment concerning :he veto of the Civil R>ghts Bi!l. aboutns they wereon thatof the Freedman's Bureau. The third ot April is to be celebrated by the coiored foiksof Richmond,and they have appealed to the mihtary to preserve -torder. The Supreme Court of Wisconsin have unanimoos!y voted that the roiored population of that State have e right to vote. The St. Louis Democrat r»f the 27ih says, wiihin the next two weeks. 2.000 passengers, ch J efly ininers. and 3.000 tons of freight will leave that point on steamers for Montana and Idaho. According to n Cork paper, 4,000 persons ieft Ireland for the United Slntes during the month of Murch. German emigrants have also increasrd to a great d€grcp. The foliowing st.itement exhibits the amount of vncant pnhlie lands in five of the late insurreetionary Sta(es : Ah<bama, 6,732, 053 acres: Louisiann, 6.228,102 acres ; Florida, 1.932.756 arres ; Mississippi, 4,760, 736 acres ; Arkansas, 9.298.013 acres. Vessels ofwar, mounting in theaggregate to 86 guns. nre to be sent for a cruise on ihe British Nort!i American coast. The Pre«ident is said to h«ve laid up the cases of flve hundred of ihe chief conspirators ngainst the Government for prosecution, 'whieh he holds for purposes of justice. James Brooks of New York, who got into Congress bv fraudulent votes. hns been obliged to yield his seat to a better man ; one weli known in the religious world—VV m. £. Dodge. The President's " Proclamation of Peaee," whieh upprars to have been issued 011 the 3d of April, is telegrnphed in fu 11. The tone of the Canndian press unmistakab!y indicotes the warfare whieh is to result frorn the foolishness of the conrse pursued by Congress nnd the Cannda Cornmissioners recentis'. The Governor-General of Cannda has eome out wiih a procl»mation warning our flshermen, that after the expiration of the present treaty, on the 17th inst., the provision of the lnws in existence previous to 1854, will ngain be in force. whieh excluded them from fishiog in British wnters; though ns our flshermen do not consider thnt question from a British standpoint, but maintain that they have a right to flsh in the disputed waters. a general warfnre mny be expected before they will concede the point. The 17th of Mnrch is thereforc awuited with no little anxietv. The Florida Times published in Jacksonville, snys that it is in constnnt receipt of letters from gentiemen at the North who desire to settle in the State, nsking if it will be safe for them to bring their families The ed»tor replies that in no portion of the State is there nnv danger, either from the spirit of the cit»zens, or the disorgnnization of society ; nnd, ns n general thing, good citizens from nny qunrter of the country will be \velcomed ond find ndvnntngeous locntions. The Europenn arrivnls at New York in 1865, nuinbered 200 031. no le?s thnn 195, 000 being nliens, of whom 107.286 sailed froin Liverpool. in Janunry, 1566. the number of emiL T tt»nls nrriving. was 11,175, more thnn twice ns manv ns īn 1565. Three yenrs ngo. in Madngnscnr, there were only three Christinn congregations. Now there are seven large churches nt the Capitnl, with a total membership of some 13.000. Chic.ago, Apnl 6.—A special despatch to the Tribune just received, snys the Civil Rights bill pas?ed the Senate nt 6:30 oViock, by 33 ayes to 15 noes. Mr Dixon absent. Mes«rs Alorgnn and Willey voted nye ; Mr. VVright votcd no. Mr. Morgan's vote \vas received with cheers, and the tinal nnnouneement with wild enthusiasm. the chamber being dcnsely crowded.—Paei/ie.