Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 7, 17 February 1866 — English Column. Foreign News. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
Foreign News.
' By the Ouvvard. whieh arrived on the loth, at*ter a passa£* ot 26 days, we recei?ed Wcshington news to the loth of January. i Gen. Grant, under oruer from the Presi- | dent, is with drawing all troops from the | Southem States, except the garrisons ot important Fons. has not yet effectcd inueh. The Hepuhlieau wiii stand with President Johnson. Gen. Grant is preparing a new Miiitarv Biil. Gen. Sweeny has been d;smissed from the American service for attending the Fenian Congress without leave of abseuce. The President has signed a patent granting ncres of land to the Central Pacific Kailroad. About 30 commanders of vessei| destroyed by the Aiahama have bcen summoned as witnesses against Seinmes.