Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 5, 3 Pepeluali 1866 — English Column. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
Bv tr«e stea?ner Ajix we have news <ro<n p Frihc:sco to tht 13th oi h*l iaoritb, ■ Europe to the 22nd of D«caiber. n'bp Uni(rd SlatfS of K>nrre<ss htss ju?t p3«sed a law giring ine right to voie in the Dis:rīct o( ■u-uhia. On the 20th of Decemb?r SecreK* S«ward iss'ied a prochmation, declaring prop rt !!ed amendment to the Consti* Ln of the L ? niied States nboli*hing s«larery Krywhere« hid b»*co rje pirt of the ConsriKo i, h tving been Mtified by the Legi?laI 0 f 21 statea. A biU had been proposed ■C'orcress to protect thc rights of the freed Kroe> to c give testur»ony in court, to >ue E't#e tued, to own land, to engage in any E, or profesaion, Scc. A biil has been Kpoi»ed to organize a regular »tanding army ■ 100 000 men. Another biil has been Kp 'S,d n incorporatc a second Pnci6c ■i!r »:id Co. to bnid a railroad from North- { Ten? thr--iugh New Meiieo to Southern Hiioniin. Kreports were spread all through the |, i j U st before Christma* by Secessiontsts Kt ilu? negroes interided to rise in insurrtcK) i day, and murder their former The negroes had U>ntires ond reon t!iat day, hul thore wus no disHb'iiee exocpt at Alex;indria in Virginia, Krrc a riot wascnuscd by white secessionists. Kl'he irish soeiety» called tho Fenians, is H) Npiii up into fuctions, (juarreling among ■inselvt's, and laughed at by all outsiders. K'he pirate Semmes has l>een arrested and K> be<irie<i at Washing!on, for violating B of vvnr. Ke<', the Keeper of the rebel prison is to Bncd by Court Martial ai Kaleigh, North Kolina, for cruelfy to his prisoners. Hn looking over the hst ol naval oflkers ■> h.ive received prize money, we find ■ui Wm. B. Cushing's name down for ■>,100 ilollar.s. I Hrhe Etnpress (Maximilian's wife) had just Kr:u'd, Dccembor 20th, from a visit to VuBtn and expccrrd soon to sail for Europe. ■s reporled by soitic that Maximilinn hitnHf wiil soon follow his wife to Europe. He ■ his lriends deny it, and declnre that his Hvernment is a fixed fact. |BK(ifno «f Junrez' f«»rty have made an es|ftatr thut "7000 persons have been executed Hcourt maniah in Mexico by Maxiinilian's HHn thr peninsnlar of Lower California a BHgl<<tion just taken plaee, and the oHI--9« ti.rn«d oui for being fi\vorable to MaxiJaniaica. Hntish Government has suspcnded m r ivemor of Jamaica from ofTice, and jpter-- i a Committec to \nquire into the facts the tnte disturbance there, and the • cotnmitt».Ml by the Engltsh soldiers. i|ivi i •»" itn.embervd that 2000 i>egroe«! had m>i (xrctttod v\\ nccount of the rīot at Mo«Bt ivty. Hundreds of others received a Heib!v flog(;ing though nothing could be W'->l ag.iinp| ihem. One of these, «fter HBivinry 50 hs'ies with a cnt*o*nine-taii9 BK h:s teeth nnd u looked defiantly M at his BBt)t'i)iur. For this ihe olHoer ordered him hikeu instantly frotn the eannon to ■ieh he was htshed, and hung. U was |H<\ Vrt the governor defends the conduct |Khis «oldiers, ■ Pertt. HpTho revt>lution in Peru, as has l>een stated |Bs ent:rv!y successful. Lima was taken ■v. t»ih. lt is rej>orted that Perw will aid ■i:< ehe Sp;intsh flect. She, ean H|(i to her nid two 40 gun stenm lrigntes, Hi two v<«ry swift 16 gun steam sloops of ■r. und some smallnr vessels. ■ » (U\\v. ■pN'ii'le h'pain was at wir with Peru lost |Hr. Chile showed sympathy with Peru, iHi l'orh;tde the saie of eoal to either party, refusi--d to make a sutl»ciently humble ■>!oi:y to Sj\iin for this, nml henee the ■s nt war, The Spaoijh Admiral having ■ nieu of war has declared tbe six principat ■r(s. V»ipameo, % T<ilcahuano, Coquimbo, ■(dero,JTomi nndV«;alVVa%blockaded. ■\Ve now hearthat ihe E«titemtda,a Chiltan ■rate. captured the S{vtnish gun boat Coto■»go off Papudo, 40 mjh v s Xorth Valparaiso ■vmg on board the Sp tn?sh Admiral and ■o raen, on the 28th of Nov«»iiber. She ■o took thc launeh of the Spani»h gun boat ■»olute with one eannon and 40 men. The ■cst ne\vs is that a steamer is on her wav ■m New York to Chile with a quintity H torpedoes and a picked cretr for the purHse of dostroying the Spanish lieet. I P«ftig(tftj, ■Thtf jf*araguayan artny has left Corrientes, H»*sed the Parana riter and retreated into Hfir owo countr}'. The B«*iliati fieet vvas K the mouth of the Paraguay river» Their ■my wa« to be «ent up tbe ri*er in steamers. I Kurope. ■ Th«» Europ*>t*u pap«*ri viy lhat fhe objert
Gen. Scho!jeUi** ri*jt to Europe, i? to purehaw for liie L'oited States th« isia>l Spe2zta, t» Greece. at> e&eeileni riaral station. This suppo**d dis<6v«ry ha« j caus<»d quite a 9en&alion m Europc. The nurnber of per?cas that died of the < cboiera in Pari? w»s 6000. Cho!efa » raginp on the of Gaadi(oupe īn the \Ve<t ' Indifs.