Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 2, 13 January 1866 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

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English Column.

News Summary.

1: is re|K>rteU thnt Napoloon ha.<4.£ r fc,|J| the U. S. Goveniment i * recognj[i 9 milian; btit it «ieolineil, h is withdrawal of the French Legation \Vashington will taWe plaoe in case o: :> M tonnai apjx>intment of a llnileU Sutt-s M.- 11l ister to the Me.tican Kepahlio. Gon. (in-M gives favorable report respectiuc reoo!!^ rv .iffl| tion in the South. A bill has be*.'t) duoed into Congress for the itic!ornorān.T» 31 the Southem Pacitic Kailroad. T.ie b!yof Vtrgima have Act rvjvs'.|| ing the assent heretofore gtven*o Ihe d:v:s \t of the State. A resoiution \vas in,., 'M mto the Senate of Kentucky, to the that she h«d re?ervtHl with rt\*pv- tc S slaven*. whieh she was prepared (o detV«.j 11 Hev. Mr. Beechcr has eome out tor n*»*. 3 suflra£e. The weather is extrerne!v co!d j«Wm the Kast, the thermometer nuujing t'rora UM||j to twenty degrees lx?lo\v zoro. Semmes the pirate, was arrested in Mobj> J on the 16th, by orders from 19 that day. He is still under arrest. 13 Secretary Sewnrd has issaed a pto/jyLlls tion deciaring thnt the amendment Constitution, aboiishing slnvery, has. 1»ratilled by the requisite nutni»er of Stai < 2B The news from ihe L r enians is contra tory. One rep«rt says the Senate has :iū .S journed, auother tl»at is has not. Lntest infonnathm fr»)m Jnnmica says tintg| between 2.000 nnd 4.000 negroes htue U>« aS cxecutcd on the island, und the laiul js ot)oi:.I sive with oorpst's. 9 The catt!e plapue has bcen increasini; tnl England during the jMist monlh to an niarm-l ingextent. During timt |wri.nl tl»e aUao'h,® have risen nn the |>rovious monthiy av«'r.iivß from 14,000 to 27,000. J| The Allirs arc moving- al! tlu»ir forc<vS| fo\vard the Paraguayan ooaM, niul ;no o<.-i JS centratin£ some 50.000 troop». Tlieir an»\ §| and navy is in verv (ine eondition. an»l u : fl thouijht tl)f \ niil >oon etui the war. m