Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 1, 6 January 1866 — Late News Items. [ARTICLE]

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Late News Items.

| The amenilmenl to the of j I the United States has bee» lately httified oy'| j the Legi.slatures of North Carolina, Alahama I j and Georgia, whieh makes up the num£i?i of j I 1*6 statea that have ratified it, or three fourths J [ of ali the states. It has there??ire heeome ? 1 part of the United States. The result is : I that in ali the staCe3 stavery is iorever abo- j | hshed, i in Kentucky Gen. Palmer was tried having given passes to n«>groes to go north, • and thus having violated the slave laws of ; thrtTsi{rtp.% The final result oi the trial was 1 that the judgf?, JdShfc.on, d?eiared that slavery | in the state of hed been nbolished | | by the above mentioned amendment to the j i Constitution of ihe U. S. A. and there(ore | I Gen. Palmer wns acquitted. Hereupon Gen. j Pahner i$sued a proclamation to all the negroes in the state, tellin{j them that they were free, and odvising them, if any one hindered their freedom to go where they pleased, to bring suit in the civil courts. There is greut excitement in Kentucky.

The Rebel States.

j Therc is ?till a great ileal of rcbellious, j feeiing in the Soufh. It is reportetl th«t the ! Virg.inia Legis!uture, has passed a resoiution j to oscertain ihe value of property destroyed ! in the state (luring- the u'ar, nnd the value of ■ the slaves in the ?;tate at the time of Lin- 1 coln's emancipatinn proclamation, \vith the intention of dernanding Compensation from Congress. lt is also said that they are turning out Uilion men, and appointing rebels to office. Johnson, the nnlitary governor of Georgia has been ordered by lhe President to retain j his office, \vithout regard to the 2:ttely electcd | governor. He is nlso ordered not to give j certificafcs of election to Georgia Congress- J nien. This is on nccount of the rebellious \ sp»rit sho\vn by the Georgians. Their Legislature has elected Alexander Stevens, the late Kehel Vice«President, as CJnited States Senator, although he has ndt been pardoned by President Johnson. Great crue ty is prac• ticed throughout the South to\vards tlie negroes. They are shot dovvn for the most trifting provocation.

TIie rcniaiis.

The Penian society is split into t\vo par» tics$, eoeh swearing vengeance on the other. Stevens, the lieael of the Fenian Society in lreland, was captured and imprisoned in Dublin, but escaped by the aid of sonje of the Government officers. It is reported that he has reached Paris. Lubey, the editor of a Fenian news-paper in Dublin, has been tried and sentenced to 20 years imprisonment.

Kevolt in Jamaica. •

The rebellion of the negroes in Jainaica did not extend over the whole island but only a small part. lt was put mercv. More than a thousand rol>5k> have been hung and inany others I ged. In one tqwn jlhen was fear of.pestilcuce I from the stenrh of tlie dend hodies.


In. Mexi%?o the French have abandoned ehihuahun, the North Eastern' district the Mexicans boast that they have 25000 men in arms:

Chllr anil Kpaiu.

Sev«n of the priiK*i(ul pottfs of Chili are biockaded> by the Spanish novy ; but it i? said tbe fremer as get surt'»*r liule incnnven* ienee. Spatn w pushi«|j on the preparatton of war ves$£l«. The British and French governments will look after the interests of j their subject$ in Ohile.