Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 1, 6 Ianuali 1866 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

English Column.

A Xeur Ye&rs Oreetiug To all the Friends of the Kuokoa.

Atrera year's very plea®artt experier.ee in the fdnoriai chair, we eni:er npon nhe year | lS6f> with hope aml eonhilenoe. We are i dependant h'owever ou our patrons for a cir- | cu!ation aAd for money. We bespeak the \ | good will and assLstance of ail wbo deem I our paper an aid in tbe upward pn)gre«3 of i Haieaii nei. it will be our purpose, as | hitherto, to weekly Jurnish at least a few j | itemsofnews in English, but our main efTort ! j and labor mustbe exjiended on the Hawaiian. |