Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IV, Number 50, 16 December 1865 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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During the week we haye bcen farnn-a with sex r eral arrivals from Califon»ia. 0:i l!i--14th inst. the Whistler nrrived nfter a age ef 12 days. We plean tbe items. Il is asserted, froman offieial source, r!ut the army of the United States ha.*> »tot Uv«» rednced so low as has been suppo?eJ. lta full and avaiiablo streugth excet»ds ISo.Cmm.> nien, ol whieh about ha!f is ou eith<?r *ui,ol the Mississippi rive/. A gentletnan has t»rriv«»d here wlh>so- wcr} ean be vouched for, who said that oti his vi.*v from Tabasco to New York, withiu tho pa ; two weeks, he met an agenr r>f Maximilun. who stated that affairs weVe neariv m a dt - sperate condition in the iim.rior tor tK«? liaperialists ; that every reported victory no substantial results, and lhat oo nccr».in? of their inability to draw frorn the rurai U; - tricts supplies eie., the war ep.iinst rhe Liirals wns carried on at expei»?e. ii«further added thut he had be«M) by Maximilian io Frnnce, to ask for 000,000 aud 40,000 troop3, ar»d th.it iu tf\» event uf Napoleon failing to furnisb and means, the ev:\eutftiot> of Alerico t>y t!.» K French must soon folloxr. The Jamaica, W. 1., Stzndard says ov*r 15 rebels have been hanged and shot nt th<f parish of St. Thomas. lt is not ualike'* that before the court-martial shall clo<e, over 25 will have paid the penalty of their !ivc> for their vile atfenipt to «ctenninit? t!." white and mixed races on the Islund. The Haytien troubles are w be Bettled, by the United States and Bru;su officiafs. New York, November 13.—Genfral indignation is felt*in goveroment and «iipīomatic circles at the wanlon attack of Spaiu on Chile. The Spanish squadroit eou-i-o of seven frigates. It is represented that ttxe greatest unniinity of feeling prevaiis> ainot t the Chileans. Advices from Rio Janeiro to Oe:»!**.' 10t:;. via England, confirjp the capture ol ti;e Ur«gunyan army by the alii#. Thc Fanrguayans surrendered unconditionally. 6.00-'» having been made prisoners. Thcir Uenen! had been brought to Rio de Janeiro. The pirate Shena*doah 13 at Liverpooi ani! has surrendered to the Briti*h Governn»entSbe bas been hanāeā orer to the U. S. Consul and will be sent to New Yoik. Hfr Captain and crew were unconditiooally disci.arged. The London Times says: It is mipoi>sibk for the American Government ta abandoi» the claims lor the depredation of the A!absv*& but it is quite pos«ible for a Gorernraeut to yield nothing, yet do nothing. Oil spnngs have been discovered in Eti£* land. 0 The French were to eommenee the era* cuation of Rome on the 15th instant. The Spanish Govermnent has ordereu » Btrict vatch over the coast of Cuba, owiog the Jamaica insurrection, All accounts agree that the eholeia i* disappearing in Paris.