Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IV, Number 50, 16 December 1865 — Englsih Column. [ARTICLE]
Englsih Column.
Missioitarj News.
On the 13th inst. The Moraing Sta r r. tumed from her tenrh vo\*age to MicronotM The Rev. J. S. Emersou, delegate *{ UjC Board of the Hawaiian E\-anfelical aweoa. $iori toour Missions on tho«»e westera »shnj 5 returns in his usual heaUh, aud wiih interest in our work ihere. lt is to be that he will be able to report fully to c «;r ckurcbes. Haiim has returned fron» hisstntion on Tarawa, ou account of all heahh. havia C left his family behtnd. Two daughters 0 f th° Hawaiian missionaries have eome u p A new station has been taken in the (i bert Is. on Butaritari (Pitts I.) bv Kev. T W. Kanoa and R. Maka. Ir the Marsha!i Groupa new station has been taken on Ja'u t by Kev. D.. Kapali. Mr. Suow «<p*>m a few weeks on Kusaie (Strongs l.) whiie ih,' Morning Star was absent at Ponape, at;l admitted over thirty to the churoh. On IVnape (Ascension I.) Mr. Sturges has duri the year admitted to thc church. TU good work progresses there against mueh op. position. Kev. Mr. Doane returns to his field on Ponape. Thus has another stage been made iu !he elevation of that benighted part of the \vo*r:d Our Hawaiian brethren do themselves honur Messers Sturges and Doane ask that thr V may have a Hawaiian associate, aud atiothcr missionary is called for to go to Alile. This is probnbly the last vovage our l*loved Morning Star will wake. She ;s t, be sold and be rcplaced, Proridence favor:!!t;, wilhin the first six months of 1566 by a m-w schooner of the same name of about 100 toa* burden. The patrons ot the first Star have no reasq# to feel that their eip»*». ditures on her have been a waste, she is to be replaced by a craft whnih it is hoped will prorc tobe stiil better oilapt. d to the missionary scrtice. Let the preseftt r*. sujts in Micronesia testify to her usefulness in the tnost glorious of cause.~.