Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IV, Number 49, 9 December 1865 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
On Thursday \ve received an. Eastern Mai! per Fairlight. She however brings but little la(er no\vs. Weelean tlie follnwing ndditeenal The cify of Kingston was in a stnte of great excitement. nusiness wns entirely sus|»ended, and the population \vere placingf themselves in a state of defence. lmmense meetings were held under order ol the government. The rebeilion raged \vith fury in St. Thomas in the east. Unprecedented outrnges \vere. coininitted upon lives and property there. The volunteers sent to the insurrectionary districts u-ere only partialJy successfuf in repn(sing the insurgents. Forty executions have already taken plaee by the authoritirs. lt is feared that the Choleta will Teach America from Spain. The sale of Govt. Hospitals is in consequence suspended. The cattJe disease is abating in London. A severe hurricane raged in Havana on the 22d and 23 of Oct. A total of fifty vessels \vere more or less injured. lt vvould seem that the Brittish Governme|it does not after a!l propose to subinit the question of damages by Alahama &c., to arbritration. It was Sec. Se\vard's proposition, and is rejected. Earl Russell succeeds Lord Palmerston in the Premiership.