Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IV, Number 49, 9 December 1865 — English Column. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
Island homs.
The An\erican f>hip df War Lancaster arrived on the oih inst. As yet she is anchored outside. There are uearfy 600 souls on boaT(i. The large schooner Alberni sailed on Tues* day on her triai trip for Hilo. Shoald she find sufficient inducement to run regularly on that route, it will be a great addition to the comfort and regularity of communication \vith that and the intermediate ports of Honoipu and Lahaina. * (t is proposed to put the Annie Laune on the Kahului and w\ndward of Maui īonle,;" and the schooner 41 Onward," new in our waters, will run to Koloa and Waimea. Thanksgiving \vas well observed in Hono\u\u on Thursday by the Americans in PoH St. Church, and by the Protestant Hawaiians af Kawaiūhūō. Mr. Henry Whitney deserves great credit for his efforts to develop the cotton interests of these island: He has furnished himself with a very ef!icient cotton press, by whieh be will be able to better prepare the article for shipment. During the past weele he paid a single native of Koolau, Oahu, over $300. for only a part of his cotton crop from a ten acre )ot. Mr. Whhney proposes oBeringstiU larger premiums for cotton than he has during the past year, among whieh will be " cotton gins." Those of our community who have heard of it, have during the last few days been mueh amused over an e*ffort of the 13oard of Education to have the " Government u&ed as " class-books" in the English»schools recewing Govt. aid! What absurd intrusion next ? It will be interesting to see how far this eflort will be successful. Do the Government Newspapers faii of the desired circu!ation among adults that they must be forced on our children ? Or is it necossary that the J3oard of Education should assist \he Pub\\cA\\on office, by subscribing \arge\y for papers that cannot iive on the appropriations made specifical!y for them ? The Schooner Kuggles arrived on Tuesday and is to run between Makee's Landing and this port.