Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IV, Number 48, 2 Kekemapa 1865 — English Column. Latest News. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

English Column.

Latest News.

By the D. C. Murray whieh airix T ed on 29th ult., we leam that Pres. Johhson has appointed the 7th of December as a day of Nationai Thanksgiving. The' President has not yet made his de- ' (!ision regarding Wirz. Greatalarm prevails in Canada regarding the Fenians, who are supposed to have designs on Brittish North America. Mississipi has refused to pass the Constituiional Amendm'ent abolishing Slavery, and South Carolina adoocates the paymenl of the ftebel War debt. The Whole Republican ticket is elected in New York. New York City for the first time goes Repuhliean. Lord Palmerston is dead. A fearful in« surrection of the blacks is in progress in Jamaica. . There has been fighting between the Liberals and Imperials at Matamoras in Mexico. Deaths by Cholera at Paris average 200 per day at Madride nsdied in one day. £ngland proposes u Cotnmission to settle the disputes between itse]fand Amehea.