Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IV, Number 42, 21 October 1865 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

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English Column.

Skpt. 13.—The Trihau>* Ra\t)gh Corr> »pondence says: The giving of raaoo s \Vhite» wil! eeaae on the 15th. " ding they have immense crops in the g ° they continually cry to the give. There are no colored people m p" leigh receivmg rations, they providin c ? themselves. A goo4 m»ny whites hav e so!d the rations given tfaem by or fattened their hogs on them FROM 7BXAS. The HoustorTpaper»a re filled with OC t of robberies aod burglaries. A band of peradoes are operating extensiveiy m county. A wagon tain waa capturej taining merchandise valued at thirtv tho« sand dollars. Judge Burnett, the first President o£ Kepublic o Texas, ha? consented to g 0 Washington to make an appeal in behaif Jeff. Davis. The request has betfo made bv men, neaHy all of whom strunried for independence of Texas. LATB& FROM KUEOPE. Haufax, September 12.~LieuteuantG»n5. ble, Royal Navy, of H. B. M. ship lrg^ t has \vritten a letter to the Exprtss t whiea says the XJrgent passed the iocalitv the cable separated. She slacked hcr sp**] and with the best lookouts of offictrs men, saw none of the buoys. He that if the Great Eastern's reckoningH correct, the buoys must have parted from t„r cable and drifted about the oeean. Haufax, September 14.—Tht A«u trcm Liverpool, the 2d, and Queenstown the bringstwo days raterthanihe Cityof DuMi~. whieh left Liverpool for New Vork on th« same day with the Astc. The Atiantic graph Company Uave unanimouslv the offer of the Pelegraph Constructiou Company to manufacture and lay down a aevr cable and complete the present one, aj to have two perfect cables betweea lreland * o <i Newfoundland next Summ«r. Tbe manofacture of the new eabīe has been eomoieaced, nnd tho. work is being done with utmost care. Captain James Andereor. ceived an ofler from the Teiegraph Con»tnu. tion Company, for the use of the Greut tern for five years in laying cabi«, ami accepted it. -Cyrus W. Field sails for N'ew York in the Australia. A ,despatch dated Wa&hing(on, Sept. says: A perfect avalanche of panlon scekers were at the President's manston io-dav. A greater nuinber of South«rners are bēre u.r this purpose than ever known bei'ore» iui v three-fourthsof the President'B business huura being taken up with the conaidciattou of petitions for pardon. Jeff. Davis is rv w permitted to write tu his \vife, all his ietters being tupervised bv Gen. Miles, before being sent away. now says, he has nothing left to eompiam os. except the loss of liberty aud the delav to bring him to trial. A d"espatch dated York, Sept. Bth, speakingof the pirate anāoak, says: " A letler, addressed by Mason, the Eebri agent in £ngland, to thc London Times> d August 20th, says he sent orders, long imee. to the pirate She?iandoah, to cease hos«t. and to go into port disartn. and dischanj* h?-: creiv. The orders were sent tnrougb nels whieh would insure protnpt deltvervtv this tiiue. It is presumed her ewiae'ho ended. TREATING \VITH THE INDUNS. Fort Smith, Ark., Sept. 14.—The lowing tribes to-day s gned a tr*fatv ol pv. manent peaee with the United States, »s re r resented by toyal deiegates : Osages. Sea.. noles, Creeks, Chickas;\ws, Seneca&, Teotnr. Shawness, Choctaws and Quapaws Foht Smith Aec.. Sept. 15,—Th*» mainder of the loyal Cherokee«. anJ aiso ti:s rebel oeininoles, sigued the treatv. T.:e other delegat\onsasked further time. but assurance that thev wouldall sign thc tj*atv. There seems to oea p«rfect Kcotxcil:atu>a among all the tribes except the Cnerokeei Gen. Harney will attend the Blud* Council on tbe 4th of October, inste»d r»r Co!one! Parker. Sept. 14.—The Hcrald's Washington speeial d:spatch says that the restric:ioos on applications for pardon from Alataroa «re removed. That State is now on tooting w:ti other States. C. E. Tombly has arrived with 8100.000 in gold, captured on a train with Jeff. Dav:t while pasBing through Georg»a. The Wbrld's special says that by thecios»» of the war the Navy will have as many wsels in commission as at the eomaieneemeei of the war. Only three ironclads wiil be retained—one āt Charleston, one at New Orleans, and one at San Francisco. The rest will be laid up in Delaware Bay, heiow Philadelphia. New York, Sept. lo.—The fiags were hoisted on the City Hall and other yesterday, in commemoration of the capture of the City of Mexico by General ScotL The Post has received a dispatch Irota South Carolina, saying that the State Coovention had not convened. Of aii tbe d*iegates, at least three-£uarteia weee ongioal secessionista and active participants in tfac TebeUion.