Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IV, Number 35, 2 September 1865 — English Column. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
Hawaiian Nentrality.
Our " Qoery" of last week has received a reS ponse from one of the Government organs, a reply however by no means satisfactory. The fling is entirely amiss, that we are no t acting the part of Hawaiians, but of A<nc ricans, in speaking of this nation as weak. and its acts as having no great effect abroad. li ' s *>ecause we lovo Hawaii, weak as she is, that we would have her for her o t«i sak« avoicl f° llowin g the example of otbernations, and would also have her prompt m following their good examples. ln the Royal Proclamation of Aug. 26th 1961, itis declared tbat we '• herely proclaim our neutrality between said contending parties." In th e semi-official editorial of the •' Polvnesian" of Sept. 14, 1861, it is said « His iMajesty has in this step but followed the example so prompily set by England, France, Spain, Belgium, and other powers." The clause prohibiting Hawaiian subjects from engaging in privateering was, and is still, ali a s should be. But the last paragraphs of the Proclamation, a!ways were obnoxious to tha Government of the United States and must be especially so now that the Southern Confederacy has ceased to exist. The one prohibits the 44 adjudication of prizes" " within our .bounds ; " the other declares u that the rights of asylum are not extended to the Privateers or their prizes, of either of the contending parties, excepting only in case of distress or of compulsory delay by stress of weather Qf dangers of the sea, or in such cases as may be regulated by Treaty stipulation." Provisions such as these, whieh were extended to the Southem Confederacy four yearsago by England, France, &c., as a part of their so-called Belligerent Rights, have months since be retracted, by eaeh of those > po\vers. Why should Hawaii alone continue iliem ? Sfiould the Shenandoah be taken by an American vessel, would she be prohibited her into Honolulu for Uadjudication ? " Or should the Shenandoah desire to enter " our bounds," is there any poasibility that u rights of asylum" will be extended to her? We do not seriously anticipate either event, but why the reluctance on the part of our Government to retract u Hawaiian Neuirality."