Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IV, Number 34, 26 August 1865 — The News. [ARTICLE]

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The News.

The most remarkable fact regarding the uews of late ia that there is very little that t -an be called n!markable. A monament has been erected with jreat remony at Lowell, Mass., to the memory ot Ladd and Whitney the two soldier-boys, ;or ihey were both young, who fell in Baltiiuore on the 19th of April, 1861, " a day }»ibtized anew in the blood of the proto-mar-tyrs of the Second Revolution, as it had been iii the biood of thoseof the First." A very important Convention of all the •'Congregfitional" Churches'of the United States \vas held in Boaton in June. Over 5)(3 dqlegates wefe present, many of them be;ng leading minds in the nation. Such gatherings may not be mueh noticed by the poliiioian, but they are in many cases more vmportant than the noisy, pretentiuos l,Assembly" or " Congress.'' The Young Men's Christian Association has purchased Ford's Theatre where Lin-e-oin was assassinaled, for the sum of $100. 000. It will henceforth be called the " Liheoln Temple," and will be used as the " Rooms" of the above Association. During the military occupation of the theatre, a large numof articles were carried offby morbid ouriosity seekers. The colored troops quartered in the vicinity of St. Louis have, it is said, contributed 570.000 to aid in the erection in Washington of a monumenl to the memory of President Lineoln. lt is anticipated that the emigration to the United States this year will amount to at least 200.000. Agents of a 5Scotch Emigration Society are in Washington for the purpose ot investing in Southern lands, if suffioicnt inducements are offered. Hithertb emign»tion has heen from the more northern , and central countries of E^jrope; but the opening of the Sou(h <o free labor ean hardly fail to attract large mimbers from the more southern porticns of the old world. Miscellaneous.—The daily expenditures of the American Government during the past year amounted to $1,200,000 The Burēau i of Emigration reports a falling off in the j number of arrivals of over 20,000 as eompared \vith the corresponding season of last j >' e ar It is said that the emigration of Mor- I mons from Europe will be greater the coming | suminer thftn ever before Another lake has j heen discovered in Central Africa, whenee the river Nile issues Between ftaly and the j Popf? negotiations are absolutely broken off. The Austrian Minister at Kome is charged with activity in procuring a misunderstanding.