Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IV, Number 34, 26 August 1865 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

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English Column.

A <toery.

Th<? Hawaiian Govemment four yeara ago fjasi«*ned to lollow the example of England • 3 nd France in extending belUgereat righis to f he socallcil Soutltem Confederacy. We dn not suppose the history of the world was v. rv materially affected by the act. But why ehoulii the Hawaiian Government still eon-li-iue belligcrent rights to aConfederacy that ha=? ceased to exist, either in nanie or in the imnjjination of its most enthusiastic admirers. Now that England andFrance have retraced t!,j they should never have taken, why may not Hawaii ? Should the Shenandoah appear ofT Honolulo, is there any doubt in ne Foreign Office as to the " rights " she r.iay elaim ?