Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IV, Number 32, 12 August 1865 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

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English Column.

Foreign Mew». j By the Ship Reynard, 15 days from San j Francisco, we receive newsTrwn Lirerpeo! to the 24th of June, and from New York to the 10th of July. President Johnson has been quite ill. tie jieft his bed on the 6th of July, and was ! thought to be out of danger. On the 7th of July foui of the conspiratora >engaged in the assassination of Lineoin, were : hung in Washington, m accordance with the ! finding of the military Court, confinned by ! Pres. JohnS®n. There vvere severai hundred civilians present. It had not yet been decided whe{her to give their renainsto the relatives or not. The names ofthose executed were David E. Harold, Lewis P&yne, George A. Atzerott and Mrs. Suratt. Xt is said that Mrs. "Suratt denied compWaty in the grea« crime to the last, and that her feiiow-criminals united in exculpating her. Three of those implicated in the assassinatioti are sentenced to imprisonraent,viz.: —Dr.Mudd, Ainold and o'Laughli»i. Of Kirby Smith's army, 10,000 it is said have heen paroled. The Maximillian Government were giently nlarmed orer the intelligence that 70.000 American adventurers were coming to the assistance of Juarez. Gwin's Mission it was reported was success- ; ful, and he would hare the assistai.ee of 10. 000 French troops, in establishing a Colony of Southern Kebels in Northem Mexico. From Europe we leam that the breach widens between Louis Napoleon tnd his Nephew. The latter bas gone to Switzerland. The Great Eastern had on tte 24th of June received on board the wholi of the telegraphic wire whieh is to eonneU England wuh Amenea. 0f thc Sheuandoah and the Whaling Fleet. . It will be remembered that the lāhenandoah was last seen by the schooner Pfeil in March near Ebon. From there the pirate went to Ponape or Ascension lsland, by the lst of April, and there destroyed the Edward Carey, Bark Harvest, Bark Pearl, and Ship Hector, leaving the officers and crews„on the island. From there she went by the Ochotsk, and on the 27th of May there captured the Abigail. She then went to the Arctic, rfnd up to last accounts had captured 20 vessels, all but two of whieh she had destroyed, hoth of whieh she sent to San Francisco with the crews of the captured vessels. She wafc near a fieet of whalers when last seen, and it is feared she destroyed them all.