Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IV, Number 31, 5 ʻAukake 1865 — English Columu. Restoration Day. [ARTICLE]
English Columu.
Restoration Day.
The 31st of July was ob?erved with great enthusiasm in Hodolulu. Her Hoy?il Righness Princess Victoria, very appropriately celebrated the day at her rural retreat in Nuuanu valley. Over $1500 were raised for the expsnses of a dinner prepared on the same groands where the 4th of July was recently celebrated and whieh r was the main attraction of the day, though there were other more private observances eisewhere. Tables were there prepared forabout twelve hundred, and there was a bounteouB supply of good things-from roast pig and poi to a large supply offoreign delicacies. The orator ofthe day was Hon. D. Kalakaua, who did himself credit by an oration first in Hawaiian, then in English. One serious exception howeyeTr must be taken to the sentiment advanced by the orators, that this was perhaps the last time the day would be observed. We trust it will be observed for many years to eome. We are not among those whoyield tothe idea thatthe Hawaiian nation is nearly extinct. We trust a descendant of the Kamehamehas will long occupy the Hawaiian throiie. There were'nine regular toasts. The first was " The Dny we celebrate" responded to by his Royal Highness Wm. Lunalilo, in £nglish with jjTeat vigorand appropriateness. The celebration terminated with a eanoe race and other Hawaiian games. There were but few things during the day to whieh exception cou!d be taken, as they fell under our eye. The nutnber of drunkpn persons however-natives and foreignersin the streets, was saddening.