Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IV, Number 27, 6 July 1865 — Our English Column—To our English-Reading Patrons. [ARTICLE]
Our English Column—To our English-Reading Patrons.
The Kuokoa enters upon the second half of the year with greater confidence than it commenced the first half. Yet w*e bespeak the same kind interest in it, whieh it has thus far so liberally received from our Eno--lish reading and speaking friends. During the last few weeks the pressure of business has been so great upon the editors in connection with ihe annual meeting of the Hawaiian Evangelical Association, that it has been impossible for them to look after Phe English Column." And moreover, since the taking of Jeff. Davis, the foreign news has not been of a very striking character. But we have not at all relinquished the purpose of having a few paragraphs eaeh week in the good old Mother-tongue of so many of us.